I will instruct you and I will teach you the path you should follow and in my sight I will give you advice. Psalm 32:8
Lord God It's good to get closer to you just to hear your voice, answering my prayers. Whom shall I seek, except the God who helps me in all difficulties. Beloved of Israel, strong God, slow to go, blessed and true. Forgive me Holy Father, make me rest in your arms of love and mercy.
Dear God, Jesus showed the way for us, who was himself, so full of grace and truth, became flesh to live with human beings, showing what your incarnate love is like. Jesus, so fully man and so fully God. How happy I am in your wonderful grace, so deep, so saving on sinful and flawed human beings. Holy Father, without you my life will not move forward, without your Spirit that leads me, I will not have salvation.
My God, look at my life right now, see how weak I am, see how many things the world offers me, apparently they are good, but they bring death and perdition, so, God, do not allow me to follow the path of injustice. Don't let me follow what is best in my eyes, do not let your servant fall into the path of evil, may injustice not dominate me, because the Lord is the one who instructs me, the one who teaches me to walk in the right path.
Christ walked in this world, which he himself created, divinity was there, acting to give us the best, we deviated, now we are here, Father. But I thank you, because living by your side is a privilege that cannot be measured. Lord God, you are the guide who took me from the path of Egypt, from the path of perdition, to place me in the path of truth.
Lord God, when I don't see a path in front of me, open the River Jordan of difficulties, of the problems that plague me, and help me to pass. May your guide be my daily search, Father.

Oh, God, help my family to be with you, on the same path. Help oh God. If there is something in our midst that is hindering your blessing, show it, Father. Give me the teaching you promised, I know that you always do your part, help me do mine
My God, help me, teach me the truth, teach me to serve you, help me always grateful even in the midst of sadness and discouragement, always help me to walk on your path even if it seems difficult to understand why it is difficult, Cover me with your saving grace and always tell me what you want from me.
Dear God, under your instruction I will walk safely, carry me in your arms, put your hands on my shoulders and like two friends, always walking together without anything getting in our way.
May your grace cover me so that my walk may be under your instruction, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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