Sanctify them in truth, your word is truth. John 17:17
Before Your holy and grand presence I approach once again, in total reverence. I turn, O God, with this prayer for sanctification in the holy word which you gave to us sinners. Father, I confess my sins to you, forgive me, also forgive my family, and help them to seek you as I am seeking you at this moment. Holy One who art in the high heavens, which cannot contain you due to their infinite greatness, but through Christ he even dwelt among us. Eternal God, this verse, I love it, because it is part of the prayer that Christ said for me and all those who would believe in the truth.
OH! God, how wonderful it is to know that You care about me, even though I fail, I thank you for your unconditional love, for giving me what I need and not what I deserve. My God and Father, great, powerful God of Israel, Holy Savior, God is infinite, I thank you that Christ died for me, I am a weak sinner, so Lord God, I thank you in advance because Christ said this prayer so that the Lord would sanctify me in your truth and your word is truth so Father, I turn in prayer for sanctification in the word.
Dear God, your word was given to humanity, to be guidance for everyone who believes, to serve as instruction for everyone who believes, Your word reveals the truth to humanity, your word was given for my sanctification, because O Lord God, when I pray, I talk to you, but when I take your word to study, it is you who speaks to my heart, it is your love letter for humanity, is your direction for our life.

So, Holy Father, I say this prayer for sanctification in the word because it is true, it is the norm by which I live, it has the power to overcome, this is possible father through the Holy Spirit that you gave to your people. God help me to have more desire to study the sacred scriptures, O God, help me as soon as I get out of bed that the first thing I come to do is pray to you, and that the second thing father comes to study your word even if it is to memorize a verse I left with him in my heart, helping me overcome my everyday problems. Holy God, just and compassionate, I surrender myself into your hands, so that I may have the power to obey you, so sanctify me Father in your truth, awaken the minds of my family so that they feel the desire to read and hear your word.
I know, beloved God, that Those who put on all their armor, dedicating time to meditation, prayer and study of your word, will place themselves in union with heaven, noble, elevated thoughts, new aspirations will be part of life, and announced by all the purity and grace of the new birth, with transforming influence on everything around us.
So Lord God help me to be an example like the people of the past were, Abraham, the father of faith, clung to your word, Jacob and Isaac clung to your word, the kings who were faithful to you clung to your word, the faithful prophets clung to your truth even at the risk of their lives, until The your incarnate word, Jesus Christ, even though he was God, became incarnate, and was an example of attachment to the scriptures, all to serve as an example to me. So eternal God, I want to follow this example, as all men of faith have followed. Help me feel like knowing your truth for eternal life.
I ask this, for myself, for my family and friends, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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