The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1
Blessed God, strong and powerful, I address prayer to the Lord of Salvation, the one who lives forever and ever. From eternity to eternity you are God, blessed, just and true, before you my soul prostrates itself in reverence before your infinite greatness. So eternal, I know that you are ready to listen to me at this moment, that is why I seek you like a thirsty person in search of water, O Father. Holy God, forgive my sins, and help me is always before you, God of my salvation.
The Lord is my light and my salvation, so fear does not take over me, my soul knows that only In you there is strength to face life's challenges. Blessed God, be my light at every moment, give me spiritual binoculars to see things that are far away, and Give me, Lord God, a spiritual microscope to see the little ones that are close by, but I don't see.
Lord God, with you I will fear nothing, the Lord is with me, for he is my God, The Lord is my cure and the power I need to face life's challenges. You are my God, it was the Lord who helped me when he provided money in a time of crisis. It was the Lord who restored what seemed to be lost in my life. Therefore I direct my prayer to the Lord of salvation.

O God, do not let anything separate me from your great love, which holds me firm even in the face of the worst difficulties. Then Father be my continuous light, then I will not be afraid of anything. Lord of armies, mighty in battles, camp, beloved Father, in my heart and make your home there. Be, Father, the strength of my life, may I not fear difficult times, because the Lord is by my side.
Christ, my righteous savior is the one who permeates the entire Bible, to bring me light and salvation, so help me to take possession of the inheritance in Christ, help me to take possession of your blessings.
Lord God, if there is something in our home that is preventing your blessing from flowing like a canal, please Father, remove it from our midst, take off Achan's capes, which may be preventing him from being closer to you, from doing more powerful acts in my life. O God, act according to your immense wisdom, see how much I have been through, remove from my life everything that keeps me away from you.
How good it is to say a prayer to the Lord of salvation. I accept your salvation, I accept a transformed life, I accept the peace of Christ, I believe in the brevity of his coming to earth. Therefore, O God, I place my life in your hands, for sanctification and honor.
God, in you there is no way for me to be ashamed, in you I will not be afraid, before the Lord, blessings will always be eternal. Prepare me for your kingdom, help me reach the promised land, and take possession of the inheritance that was promised from the foundation of the world.
May the blood of Christ cover me, may my life be transformed, then I will not be afraid of anything. I ask all this, not because there is merit in me, but because of the merits of Christ, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen!
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