Prayer for Christ to Be the Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd; I will lack nothing. Psalms 23:1(NIV)

My beloved Father, your words are holy and true. That's why, I say this prayer for Christ to be my shepherd. Lord God, I come to you because in Christ I have redemption, salvation only in him, blessed God for all eternity.


Holy Father, I am weak, I fail you sometimes, but I seek you, because only in you can I trust. O God, forgive me for any fault, forgive my loved ones, touch the heart of each one of them so that they turn to You , help them look for the true good Shepherd, Jesus Christ the righteous and justifier of all who give themselves to him.

Dear God, I confess that I was already confused by this psalm, because I had some mistakes in my life, and then I discovered that the meaning of this word, O Father, is that even if I have problems and go through faults, I have the Lord, so I have everythingSo, I won't be able to miss it. Oh, God, how magnificent all this is, how good it is to know that your word vivifies my life. So Father, I say this prayer for Christ to be the Shepherd of my life.

Prayer for Christ to Be the Shepherd

O God, the tortuous paths were already part of my life, sometimes anguish came to me, I felt alone, but then your provision came, showing me that I was wrong. Lord God, I thank you, because Christ showed his love for everyone, while we were still sinners, Rom.5:8. Holy Father, help Lord God, at this moment, my dear family member for whom I pray so much. So I cry out to you so that he can understand that the Lord is love, that you are the one who guides human beings in a full life. Therefore, God, the Lord is the one who instructs and lights the way, he gave us a good shepherd, the one who is the brightness of his glory, the one who is one with you, the one who is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, So Father, I know that divinity works steadily to transform my heart.

O Father, how great you are, how good it is to know that Christ who died on the cross of Calvary extended his hand to be our faithful shepherd. Oh! God, how impressed I am by the cross of Christ, Divine savior. Holy Heavenly Father, when I look at Cruz, Christ, with his outstretched hands, with his human part he touches humanity, and with his divine part he touches heaven, connecting the finite to the infinite, making a bridge, and as the good and faithful shepherd that he is, being my guide to eternal life.


So Father, that's why I say this prayer for Christ to be the shepherd of my life, shepherd of my decisions, shepherd of my thoughts, shepherd of my actions. Lord God, I don't just pray for myself, because all humanity needs you, but I pray for everyone. In particular, this relative of mine, this friend of mine, this friend of mine. Then touch that moment in that person's heart, to the point where they feel that the Lord wants them for His kingdom.

I know, Almighty God, that with you, even though I am lacking in something, I have Christ as my guide, so I am not lacking in anything. I thank you for this blessing. Accept my prayer, not for my merits, but for those of Jesus Christ. Amen!

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