Everything has its time, and there is time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1
Lord God, You are most high, great in goodness and mercy, the closer I get to you, the more I still feel dependent on every saving grace. Oh! How good it is to be by your side, so great, powerful, what majesty! I, a sinner, am now approaching asking for forgiveness, mercy and power to continue standing. For, O Father, who could stand in your holy presence?
Your mercies, God of love, are the cause of my not being consumed. That's why I seek you with total reverence. Yet Father, when I look at Jesus, my holy savior, I see how much he cares for me, I may not have all the answers I want, but I have the forgiveness that saves me.
Lord God, I say this prayer waiting for your time. It's not easy, Lord, because many things plague my life, others are not devastating, but I sometimes lack patience. My God and Father, Before all your infinite greatness I have to lay down my plans and dreams.

I want, my God, to come closer to you, to know your will for my life every day, waiting for the time that the Lord has determined for all things. Father of love, faithful fulfiller of promises, which are faithful and enabling, which transforms my life and that of all those who place themselves in your hands.
The holy and great God, help me to wait for your time, for this, Father, give me patience when I pray for my family, give me patience when I pray for my spouse, help me to wait when I pray for my friends. Like this, Father, I will wait for your time, I will not be anxious because I know that from the first moment I prayed to you, you were already acting. Dear God, this is how it was with Daniel, he prayed for 3 weeks, apparently nothing happened, but the Lord said that he had been fighting for him since the first day of prayer.
I say this prayer waiting for God's time, because, O Father, It is in the Lord that I place my hopes, it is in the Lord that I place everything that I am. My God, the Lord promised Abraham and fulfilled it in his time, the Lord showed it to Joseph in dreams and fulfilled it in his time, the Lord said that David would be king, he waited and everything was long in his time. O Father, your greatest promise, about Jesus coming into the world, being bitten by the serpent but at the same time stepping on its head was fulfilled in its time.
Now, O God, All who accept the Lord gave the power to become children of God, to know, all those who believe in his name, all those who put faith in what the Lord promised. Those who live in the power of the blood of Christ, faithful blood shed on top of Calvary
So, eternal God, see my desire This prayer is for the Lord to help me wait for the appointed time, because to every purpose for all things that are under heaven.
Therefore, God, I stand firm in your promises, faithful enablers, I will follow them with great strides, it will only be possible if the Lord is with me. Otherwise, oh God my life has no meaning without you, if the Lord is not by my side nothing else is of use to me. Father, your time to act, I know it is today, if it is today I ask for my father, I ask for my mother, I ask for my brothers, I ask for my spouse, I ask for my friends and for everyone who has not met you yet.
I know that your time is today, and you will never stop acting because you will not abandon me, so I trust solely in the merits of Christ, I ask you and I thank you. Amen
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