Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Dear God, kind Father, I thank you Lord for prayer of the burdened and tired that I am. I thank you, God, for being here before your Holy and magnificent presence. So, Father, I can worship you in Spirit and in truth, contemplating your grace that shines like the sun of righteousness. Firstly, O Lord, forgive my sins, my faults, Father, and everything that is bad in me, come and change me. O God, I know that I am not worthy of your grace, I know that I do not deserve your love, that although I cannot understand it, I can accept it, so that my heart be transformed into the likeness of Christ.
Dear God, the grace of Jesus sanctifies me, it transforms me, it empowers me to be a better person. Lord God, Christ Himself spoke, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. So Lord, I place myself in your hands because I know, God, that in you there is redemption, I know that you are capable of transforming my life, taking away all the bad things from my heart, strengthening my faith and keeping me for the future. your kingdom.
So the Lord God, I heard the prayer of the burdened and tired, bring me comfort, Father, bring me to you to worship you and thank your holy and great name. My God of mercy, hear my cry at this moment, you know the things I have been through, the struggles I have had, you know the great difficulties I am going through.

That's why, O God of the high heavens, the one who transforms the human heart, hear me, see my situation, look at my family and transform each one's life. Eternal God, I place my burden at the foot of the cross, because there is my redemption, it was there that the sacred blood of Christ was shed for me, a sinner, that is why I fail as I am, I seek the redemption that is promised in Christ Jesus.
God, whoever is here before you is a sinner, who knows he needs to change, so sir, I need strength at this moment when I'm overwhelmed of burdens, at this moment when I am tired of the fatigue of this world, of the struggles that I have faced. Lord God, my battle against self is not easy, my heart is not inclined to good things, I don't want to think I'm good, but I want to take possession of your goodness, I want to take possession of the blessings that Jesus promised, I want, O Father, to cast my burden upon you.
So, O God, I cry out, I beg, hear the prayer of the burdened and weary, I am one of them, guide me Father in the path of righteousness for your name's sake, sanctify me in the truth, Take me to the highest heights and help me to behold your glory of righteousness. Shine on me, transform me, help me to be your instrument to show the only one who can take the burden off people's shoulders, so help me to be a channel of blessings so that I can help others who are tired.
Your grace, Lord God, satisfies me, your presence transforms me into a new person, the Holy Spirit satisfies me, and the power that emanates from the Cross directs me to the high heavens, removing my burden strengthens my faith and guides me on the eternal path.
Holy Father, I ask for all of this because I know, I am convinced, that the Lord is listening to me. I am grateful to throw my burden into your handsSo, Lord, give me relief from my tiredness and keep my soul, I ask you for all this, not because there are merits in me, but in the merits of Jesus, in his name I ask. Amen.
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