Servant's Prayer

Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Psalms 2:11. Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, finds serving in this way. Matthew 24:46

Father of love, the servant's prayer it should be done by all those who dedicate themselves to your cause. Fulfill all your purpose in me, and may your name be exalted, helping me to honor the Lord wherever I go. O God, without your help I will certainly be lost. This is certainly terrible, but by the blood of Christ I will be delivered. I know that without the Lord I will not be able to move forward, because it is through Christ that I entered the gate of the holy city. So forgive my sins, my God, help me walk on the path of righteousness.


Father, as I am yours, help me to be faithful in all aspects of my life, enlighten me so that I can walk the path, seeing where I am stepping. Just like Paul, I want to be firm in your gospel, I want your grace to transform me every day. Then hear the prayer of the servant who now approaches you, Lord, enlighten me with your presence. May the divine Holy Spirit take control of my life and give me peace and make my face shine.

My God, I don't want to make excuses for my failures to justify a mistake, so keep me firm. Direct, Lord, my steps so that I can live according to your will. Help me to be faithful even when the sky is falling and crowds are chasing me.


Holy God, in this servant's prayer I place myself again in your hands, because I desire to be firm. May my life not be just beautiful words, but an open letter that reveals Christ. May my perseverance remain strong despite any battle. My God, don't let me kneel before the enemy, don't allow him to gain ground in my life. But I want to walk the path of faithful servants, a path that has already been stained with blood, but towards eternity. That's why on this journey I always pray that I have the your care, my God.


I say this servant's prayer because of the immense desire to be with you. That the Lord touch the hearts of my relatives and friends so that they accept your saving grace.

Hear, my God, my prayer of the servant who loves you, help me to always be before you. Give me justice when I am in oppression, guide me in your salvation. Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil. My God, help me to follow in the footsteps of Christ, being a person who prays constantly, a person who studies your word and teaches your truth. All the apostles, Mary, Joseph and the prophets had communion through study and meditation, so Father, help me to be like this every day.

My great God, You are the center of all things, so my desire is to honor You through holy conduct. So, my God, I will glorify your name through my life. I recognize in all my actions your infinite greatness and majesty. Hear my God, this prayer of the servant, answer it according to your will, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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