Prayer of the thirsty

On the last and most important day of the festival, Jesus stood up and said in a loud voice: “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.John 7:37

My quest to go at this moment with this thirsty man's prayer It's because I thirst for you, Lord and king. This way my soul becomes closer to you because your presence satisfies my entire life. This way I can become stronger and more vigorous.


So come to me, my God, manifest your will in me. So in this prayer of the thirsty I pour myself before the Holy Presence of Jesus Christ. Surely Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, he is the road to eternity. Then I will not fear even if difficulties seem too heavy to bear.

My God, all people who seek the Lord with all their heart will be satisfied by the power of your Holy Spirit. This way they will be able to grow spiritually waiting for heaven.


That's why I turn to you with the prayer of the thirsty because I want the rivers of the water of life to be in every vein and artery of my entire being. In this way, all the blessings that come from your throne will come upon me, all with enormous multiplication.


Holy God and eternal Father, I will live for you, one day I will certainly see your gaze because your glory is present on the altar of my heart. So my life is open so that this way I can be used in the world.

Don't let me look at myself to the point where I give up on everything. But may I come and look at myself, see my unworthiness before your presence and surrender at the feet of Christ. Surely he will give me the water of life because I pray the thirsty man's prayer because I believe in the eternal promises.

So look at me at this moment, my Lord and king, fulfill your will and do in my life so that it flows into eternal life. Be the center of my entire being and May my words testify of your fatherly love and care.

In this prayer of the thirsty I place my trust entirely in Christ who died for me on the cross of Calvary. He climbed Golgotha, stretched out his hands on a rough cross to forgive me. Soon I will not be able to stop loving you, because it is the Lord who takes us from the pit of darkness to Divine light. Then the Lord quenches our spiritual thirst with his immense gifts.

I am sure that at this moment the Lord is listening to this thirsty man's prayer. Surely the Lord knows the emotional conflicts I have, he knows what I have to overcome. My life is certainly open to the Lord like a book. Then it can act powerfully in every part of my being.

My search for you is because I am thirsty for you and if Christ promised water to the thirsty then he would eat his hands to drink. In this way, from the depths of my entire being there will be transformation. Take care of me, my family and come help my friends and brothers who are spread out in different places.

In this prayer of the thirsty I place my life entirely at your disposal. May the Lord help me change myself through your Spirit. Being able to pronounce your blessings and live them in practice in my life. Hear, O God, this prayer, I ask for the beloved Jesus Christ. Amen!

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