Salt of the Earth Prayer

You are the salt of the earth; Now, if the salt becomes tasteless, how can it be restored to its flavor? It is good for nothing except to be thrown out and trampled on by men.Matthew 5:13

I look for you, my God, with this salt of the earth prayer because Christ said that I am that salt. So I will take ownership of this statement during my . I will give myself to the Lord so that my life will not be insipid, without flavor. Then I will feed on your truth, I seek you with my heart.


How I need you to have power and overcome the obstacles in front of me. So, my beloved Father, call me closer to you every day, help me hear your voice like this crowd heardu. May I season the world with your gospel with wisdom that I always ask of you.

In this way I will continually do your will because I trust that you will give me the power to do so. That's why I seek you with this prayer of the salt of the earth, because I don't want to be tasteless, but to have strength and power to overcome evil.


My eternal Father, all who seek you will grow stronger every day. Thus your gospel will be preached with restorative power. As the Lord is perfect, as you are just and true, your mercy is shown in the home, forgiveness, by light and rain on the wicked and everyone on the planet. As It's wonderful to serve you and know that you're by my side, even in the face of my failures..


Hear this prayer of mine from the salt of the earth, for I need your power to season the world with your truth. Then, help me to speak good words to the tired, may I have patience with my family and everyone around me. Thus, my life will be a living testimony of what the Lord is.

I will stand firm in your life-changing gospel, it brings hope to all humanity. Be the center of my life, so I will exalt you forever. Certainly your truths, when well said, bring encouragement to the hearts of everyone who hears them.. This way the Lord can lead your children to eternity.

My beloved Father, almighty Lord, my righteousness comes from Christ, in him I stand firm. Your children here on earth need you daily, so may the Lord come and give us the true spiritual flavor. May the desire to seek the gospel increase in my heart so that I can remain firm in your presence. Without the Lord all people are lost, but with Christ all are saved.

Merciful God, I will seek you with this prayer of the salt of the earth because I feel your Holy Spirit taking over my being. Come be with me in all the difficulties and problems of life, keep me in your Holy presence forever.

I will continue to stand firm, I will be among those saved because your kindness changed my life forever. Certainly the Lord touched me, changed me, gave me a new life. That's why hope lit up in my heart, bringing a peace that nothing else can give. Your word came to my heart and changed my life in a way that everyone noticed. Therefore, I will be the salt of the earth, bringing a good word to the tired.

Give me power from the Holy Spirit so that I can turn away from your wrath, for it will come upon the earth, upon all those who rejected you. Your kindness is offered to everyone every day. Anow in the lives of all my family members, may they see your mercy. I finish this prayer, my beloved Father, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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