Prayer of the broken

The sacrifices to God are the broken spirit; You will not despise a broken and contrite heart, O God. Psalms 51:17

Your servants stand before you with a broken heart, prostrating themselves at your feet, which is full of love and grace. I thank you, O God, because you have kept me, because you make me sacrifice before your magnificent presence, your radiance shows your infinite glory. My broken heart is what I present to you, in an attitude of reverence, I humbly ask for your forgiveness, so full of interest in me, a sinner. O God, my heart quickens before your Holy presence due to your majesty, then it calms down when Jesus places his right hand on me and says: Do not be afraid, I AM the first and last, (Ap. 1:17).


O God, I don't want to go on long pilgrimages to show that I have faith, because the true sacrifice is in surrender, where I ignore my will to follow yours. Eternal Father, the true broken heart is in surrendering life to you without reserve and without excuse. Beloved God, may my body be given as a sacrifice to you, help me not to love the world. I know, O God, that I can easily make an idol of any desire I have when it meets your will.

God the Father, Jesus gave himself for humanity, crushed his body on a cross, was whipped, pierced, scratched, to bring salvation. The cross of Christ is the antidote to sin, because your word says that trouble will not arise a second time, (Nahum 1:9). Therefore, dear Father, I only have one choice that is worth it, to place my broken heart in your hands, and desire your grace as if I were intensely thirsty.


O God be with the people I have prayed for so much, they need the Lord, without you they are lost, because there is no way to live without the Lord who is the author of life. So, Father, help them understand that even though they appear to be good people, they cannot gain eternal life without you. Therefore, O God, be with them, be with my family. If something is wrong is disturbing things in my house, show me Lord, then I will confess to you and the Lord will forgive me.


My broken heart is here, contrite, because it recognizes your greatness. O God, may I not think that my actions give me credit, when, in reality, Christ is my salvation. Father of love, it is much easier for me to help those in need, it is easier for me to go on long journeys on land, but it is much more difficult for me to fight against what the flesh desires, whatever it may be, but I want to do your will. Then, Lord, help me to be what you want, help me to be a living sacrifice of delivery toi.

I thank you, O God, because you do not despise anyone who comes to you with a broken heart. Christ said: whoever comes to me I will never cast out, (John 6:37). How could I not be a grateful person in the face of such great love and dedication to save my life? Therefore I ask, with a contrite heart, surrendering only to you, in the name of the sweet and beloved name of Jesus. Amen!

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