Prayer of purpose

You, Lord, will keep him in perfect peace whose purpose is steadfast; because he trusts you. Isaiah 26:3

Eternal Father, when I seek You with this prayer of purpose It's because I know that everything has a meaning, even in difficulties. Therefore I cry out to the Lord to walk in your eternal purpose, where your blessings are released to me. I know that life has a meaning, that's why I wish the Lord more than water in the face of a drought.


My God, how could I stop looking for you given the situation in this world. My soul certainly cries out for you, because your presence is enough for my life. So I come to you so that your will may be operative in me. This way I will be with you forever, living in the land that the Lord promised to me, that's why I seek you with this prayer of purpose.

Holy God, how good it is to follow you and go forward seeking the Lord with everything you have for me. Although life is full of problems, I don't want to give up on it, because the Lord keeps me steadfast in purpose. I do not want to follow the standards of this world, but to live in your eternal glory.


God, insecurity seems to have come to affect me, this way I come to you with all my will in this prayer of purpose, this way I can feel something great transforming my life. Therefore, eternal Father, I seek the Lord, even when things seem to fall apart. O God, straighten me on your path, because without your help I can't move forward. Because I I expect in you so that I do not lose heart.


Difficulties come like a noose ready to bring me down. My God, how good it is to follow you, because there is no way I can move forward without the Lord. I present my plans to you every day so that you can help me with how I should walk. So don't leave me when difficulties knock on my door. Even though I don't deserve everything you do for me, I know you won't forget me because you hear the prayer of purpose. Sanctify me in truth so that my mind will be connected to you. Don't let me fall into the temptation of going backwards, but let me move forward in the face of so many waves that hit me.

The path of perseverance has many thorns, but like many flowers, it has its perfume. This is life, no matter how difficult it is, the Lord helps with eternal help. That's why I'm satisfied with your daily help.

My Lord and King, come to me, for this prayer of purpose is to establish me in you and rejoice in living your gospel. Although I don't deserve it, I'm here, following you because I know that without your help I will be among the lost.

So make me rest in your arms so that every morning I will be bathed by your presence. This way I will have comfort and joy in serving you. All this prayer I place on your altar, where it mixes with the merits of Christ to be accepted by you. Therefore I ask in the name of my beloved savior. Amen!

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