Prayer of power to win

God is my fortress and my strength, and he perfectly untangles my path. 2 Samuel 22:33

Lord God, I come to you with this prayer of power to overcome because from the Lord comes the strength to move forward and not give up. So help me on every occasion, forgive my sins and may your name be exalted. The Lord is certainly my strength for all time, that is why I take refuge in you, seeking strength to overcome evil.


So I surrender my life to you, my Holy God, so firm my steps on each of your promises that are true and eternal. Your truth transforms lives by bringing all the sincere closer to you. That's why I put my life under your control so that you can work in me and give me power to overcome evil.

My soul rejoices when I seek you with this prayer of power to overcome. Because the Lord promised from above to clothe your people with the Holy Spirit. Then a power manifests itself in our lives that changes our soul and strengthens our character for eternity. What would I do without the Lord? My paths will certainly be tortuous and all the difficulties will take me down.


But when I seek you I feel my life leaning towards the Lord. Then the Lord lifts me up and places me in a higher position, where the cross of Christ is my journey. Because only Through the power of the Holy Spirit I will be able to carry the cross to the end.


In this prayer of power to overcome I trust in what is in the book of 2 Samuel 22:33, because the Lord is my fortress and my strength. Well I trust that The Lord will indeed untangle my path. This way I will not fear, when I see just two footprints in the sand I know that they are yours because the Lord will be carrying me in his arms at this moment.

Although my life may be grounded in some moments, the Lord comes with your restoring power and changes everything. That's why I praise you and magnify you for your infinite goodness and mercy. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, even though I have nothing to offer you other than this sinful heart.

Eternal, I am sure that the Lord is listening to my prayer for the power to win. I know that Despite all the difficulties I have in life, the Lord is acting powerfully. So come and perform a daily miracle for me, help him to always believe that everything is possible for those who believe. So also strengthen me so that I can offer you a delivery complete.

Your word in Revelation says that the winner will be given the crown of life, so help me to stand firm in all circumstances. Also help me see what ordinary eyes cannot. Therefore give me spiritual vision so that In battles against the enemy I can remain victorious in Jesus.

Holy God, incline your ears to hear this prayer of mine for the power to overcome. Help me to walk uprightly in your path not giving up even if stones fall from the sky and there is a revolting sea around me. Take care of me and my loved ones in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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