Prayer of the power of the Spirit

But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak on his own, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John 16:13

I put myself in your hands, dear God, because I desire the power of the Holy Spirit, I want him to be part of my life and dwell in my entire being. May the Lord not look at my weak and failing heart, otherwise I will faint. So forgive my sin, Strengthen me through your Spirit of light, may angels and men come to give you praise, for your grace gave to sinners, may the firmament, heavens, sea and earth, yes, come to give praise to the Holy God. As I long to be closer and closer to you, O God, that's why I ask you for the power of the Holy Spirit, so that I can grow and also overcome the power of the enemy.


Without your help, O God, I become discouraged, my life is hopeless if the Lord does not dwell in it. The apostles prayed at Pentecost for your Holy Spirit, they prostrated themselves before you, so I also prostrate myself recognizing your greatness and your infinite grace and mercy. God, without the power of your Spirit no one will stand, without your help the world will cease to exist. So Father, I want to take possession of what you promised me. Help me, Lord of hosts, to win all the battles of everyday life, help me control when faced with provocation. O God, I can only get through this with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Father, no one will endure the final crisis without your power, as character must be forged in the precious rock that is Jesus Christ. Dear Father, give me the power, because after the descent of the Spirit upon the apostles they were surrounded by such a grand atmosphere, they left full of love for the one who died on the cross for them and for all that Christ died.

O God, they spoke moved by the Holy Spirit and thousands were converted in a single day. So, come, God, make your home with me. Guide me with your eternal truth, make me a new vessel, a channel of blessing for the people around me. Father, help me to be a person of influence for good, one who knows how to say a good word to the tired, have humility and teach that Christ is the prince of life. May I be your instrument in my family, for my friends, for my neighbors and wherever I am.


Give me, Lord God, the power of your Spirit to resist the evil day, to be your witness, that I may preach to the weary, that I may speak of your love to the afflicted soul. May I be a person prepared for everything that will come, may I be, by the Holy Spirit, a person who always remains on the path of truth.

May your Spirit dwell in me so that I can be a portal of blessing for other people. Help me share every message of salvation, fill me with the desire to serve you. I ask this, in the name of the one who shed so precious blood, Jesus. Amen!!

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