Prayer of power from above

And behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you; But stay in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high. Luke 24:49

My God and Father, every day I can't wait to do this prayer of power from above because the Lord promised to clothe us with your Holy Spirit. When the Lord touches our hearts, there is always a transformation of life if your instructions are accepted. Forgive my sins and cover me with your healing power so that I can always be firm in your truth that frees all who surrender to you. Without your help my soul would fail, but the Lord does not abandon those who cling to the cross.


Eternal God, look at this prayer of mine from the power on high and review me so that my life may be transformed. So I will feel your guiding hand over me, transforming life and helping me to be in high places. In this way I will come to your throne of grace. Save me when I'm in trouble and help me to walk uprightly so that I never stray from your holy and benign presence. Come to me and help me maintain purpose until the end of my life.

Then I will always understand your purpose so that at every moment I can feel my life being renewed so that my heart warms. My God, hear this prayer of mine from the power on high and help me when everything is bad and keep me in the accommodation when everything is fine.


I know that my life will often seek the easiest path, however, at that moment I will look up and see your hand outstretched to lift me up. I will also see your finger pointing the direction for me to head north and looking up. This way I can walk sanctification.


Dear God, I approach you, following your path firmly to walk by your side, together until the moment of Christ's return to look for his children. So help me by listening to this prayer from the power on high. Your promises, Lord, are faithful and enabling, where I stand to contemplate your face that shines like the sun of justice.

In this prayer from the power from above I place my trust in your promises that always have purpose and purpose. It was from them that the faithful of the past took possession and sanctified themselves throughout their lives to be with you at the end. I ask that you help me to be faithful to your principles, because then I will know that I will be with you at all times so that I can grow towards eternal life in Jesus. So fulfill your purpose in my life and help me to be a channel of light for everyone around me.

God, You know the battles I have faced here on this earth, so I need the power of the Holy Spirit. Although many do not understand how He works, I know that He makes a change in each person and a change through them. This way I will be able to comfort the tired, give good advice to those who need instruction and cry with those who cry.

This prayer of power from above I place at the feet of my beloved savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

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