Prayer at the right time

Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16

Holy Father, hear this timely prayer because grace abounds in the world so I take possession of it by faith. Thus my hand rises by faith, taking possession of the birth of Christ, his living, his death, his resurrection and his ascension. So I can say they are mine by faith.


Certainly the Grace of Christ was manifested to humanity so that it could be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Cross of Christ was freedom for all those who believe, because without your grace there is no way for human beings to obtain salvation.

Living God, I know that without the Lord I will be lost, so I take this opportunity to say this prayer at the right time. I know that your grace is abundant and transforms lives every moment. So help me, Guide my life, don't let me slip into the enemy's traps. This way I will always cling to Jesus, my savior and King.


Eternal God, I approach your throne of grace with complete confidence to receive your mercy. So I go to the Lord with this timely prayer because I know who I have believed. I know it's mighty to give me my treasure that day. Then I will receive a crown of glory because Jesus redeemed me by shedding his blood on the cross of Calvary, yielding his life.


My trust is only in you, Lord God, because before you I can place my supplications, as you have the power to resolve each one of them. So I'll always get down on my knees, but I'll also be praying when I walk, when I'm sitting.

With this prayer at the opportune moment I come to the throne of Grace to have your mercies that have no end. So I will feel the heat of your Holy Spirit moving my entire being and leading to eternal life.

God, although there is nothing good in me, you perform miracles that made me change my life because my values changed. This is all because I started following Christ, because one day the Holy Spirit touched me and gave me a new meaning.

That's why I ask you to help me see beyond the riverbank and see that there is something better for me. In this way I will not follow an emptiness, but an eternal purpose, so I rejoice when I present myself before the Lord with this timely prayer.

Your grace has become a savior for all men, so everyone who accepts it like I do will be able to have your immense gifts. That's why I raise this prayer at the right time so that I may be stronger in you, as I have accepted the salvation in Christ.

Because Hebrews chapter 2 verse 4 says: how will we escape if we treat salvation with such great negligence? So this is my opportune moment because the day of opportunity has come for everyone. That's why I embraced mine and I ask you to bless me according to your mercy in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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