Miracle prayer in exams

Blessed is the man who suffers temptation; for when he is tried, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

Before you I unload myself with this miracle prayer in exams. For temptations are very difficult to bear, but I remember that the Lord does not let anyone go through trials beyond what they can bear. So somehow the Lord will use my situation to accomplish your purpose.


I am no one, my Father, so that the Lord may remember me. But your word says that blessed is the man who suffers temptation. Although temptation is not good in itself, the Lord uses it to transform my life, not letting me fall. So I am grateful for your kindness and mercy in the face of the entire situation.

Before the Lord I present myself with this miracle prayer in trials. Certainly the greatest miracle that What the Lord can do is heal the human heart from the situation it is in. How can we sinners be transformed unless your miraculous grace does the most important work in the universe in our lives?


Lord God, I know that I need you at all times, so help me in my difficulties because I am a flawed person and many times I have to look at the things of the world. Help me see where I've been going wrong. That's why perform a miracle in my life, and that in the face of trials I will not abandon your truth.


I feel your presence and great things happen, so in this miracle prayer in trials I want to come closer to you. So I know that the Your wonderful grace will perform a miracle that is impossible looking at human eyes. So perform a miracle in my heart, perform a miracle in my financial life and also perform a miracle if there is a serious problem in the family.

I want the crown of life that the Lord promised in this biblical verse in James 1:12. This way I will be connected to your promise and will be able to pass through the gates of the holy city. Surely this will be the biggest surprise for me when I look at myself I don't see how to save myself, but When I look at Christ I don't see how I can get lost.

So I won't stop looking for you every day with this miracle prayer during exams. Because although life is a very great trial, where there is much sin, your grace is even more abundant. O God, I must be among those prepared for Christ's return. That's why Come prepare me for the tests and may the greatest miracle be in my heart.

Help me to witness Your amazing grace and love You above all things. So also perform a great miracle in my heart and may all hatred, pride, selfishness, self-confidence or anything that is latent be changed to what is good and holy. Like this open the doors so that I may pass, walking in your paths of eternity.

Listen to this miracle prayer during tests and be with me and my family, come visit my friends and strengthen those who are in faith. In the same way, I ask that you open the heart of those who have not yet given their lives to the Lord, come visit him. So perform a miracle in his life so that everything serves as a testimony that the Lord hits anyone where they are. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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