Financial miracle prayer

 A good man has mercy and lends; he will arrange his things judiciously;Psalms 112:5

Great God, in this financial miracle prayer I place my hopes in your hands so that you can perform a great miracle in my life. Because I need you at all times because your powerful hand helps everyone who asks the Lord.


My God, your word speaks through the psalmist in Psalm 37:25 who has not seen any righteous man thrown away nor his descendants begging for bread. I ask that the Lord help me to be prosperous, but according to your will. So I will remain faithful in prosperity or not.

So don't let me get attached to material goods, but let me have them in a way that glorifies your name. That's why I ask you to listen to this financial miracle prayer and answer, my God. Your saving grace manifested itself to all men, showing how human beings should live. That's why I ask that help me in my financial life, but in a way that pleases you.


But dear God, I ask that you come and help me to be open to others and love them with all my heart. This way I will know how to share the gifts that the Lord gives me, so I I will not let usury envelop me because your Spirit is with me. So look at me, you know all my needs and you know everything I've been through.


God, in this financial miracle prayer I wish to honor you with the firstfruits of everything I receive. The Lord knows what is going on inside me and the basic needs of my life and how challenging it is to deal with it. So raise your hand and help me to be one of your servants who exalts you for the way I live.

Help me to have compassion on others as the Lord has mercy on me. Open your coffers, beloved Father and help me to be a blessing to everyone around me. This way, people will see that although I do not obey to get something in return, but because I have already gained something, I obey.

They will see that there are noble and elevated reasons, because even though your kingdom is not of this world, the Lord still blesses the lives of your servants with all kinds of prosperity. That's why I will continue to cling to your gifts, where I place myself in your hand of blessing and mercy.

God, my dear king and savior of humanity, how good it is to serve you, so all I ask in this financial miracle prayer is that you help me look to you always. This way your blessings will accompany me because selfishness will not be my practice even in the midst of ordeal.

With the Lord by my side, everything that hinders me from prospering like Jacob and other patriarchs will be removed. Then walk by my side and help me to have good stewardship of my possessions, adding value to everything that is important. So, give me your daily blessing and make me rest in your paternal care, helping me to fill with eternal confidence.

I ask all this in the name of your beloved Son Jesus. Amen!

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