Prayer of the eternal miracle

He performs wonders that cannot be seen, countless miracles. Job 9:10

My God, I present myself before you with this supplication of eternal miracle prayer. Only Jesus and your miracles are capable of transforming lives and filling them with hope. So I thank you for your goodness and eternal mercy, may the Lord forgive my sins.


Come and listen to my prayer at this moment and it will transform my life. I know that the greatest miracle that exists is the transformation that the Lord makes in the human heart. And you come first to perform this miracle for that I can be a miracle in people's lives.

This eternal miracle prayer of mine is a repentant and contrite heart that is before you, my God. So I want to establish my steps in your truth so that the miracle of life may be light for everyone. I ask that at this time May the Lord come visit the tired and downcast and perform a miracle in his heart.


Be with all my family members and heal those who have any physical, mental or spiritual problems. In the same way, come and wash the soul of everyone who is deeply downcast. Before the Lord I lay my supplications because I know that the Lord can give me strength and solve all problems.


Father, do not allow despair to knock on my door, so hear my prayer of eternal miracle. So help me always to look up and see my Jesus interceding with all his love for me. The Lord is holy and true, so I consecrate my life to you.

You know my pains and also the problems that each one goes through. So come visit my house, driving away the angel of death and putting hope in the home. So also remove all darkness that may want to enter. Your angels of light visit my home, so these blessings are here.

This is my prayer for the eternal miracle and my desire to be in connection with Christ until the end of the age. Your kindness is great and changes the lives of all people who believe. That's why May your Holy Spirit surround my home and fill everyone's hearts with hope.

I have a determined heart because the Lord is present in my life. So heal me from anything that hinders my spiritual growth. So sadness and pain will not be enough to keep me away from you. Surely I am a person guided towards eternity in Christ Jesus.

I thank you for this opportunity to pray for the eternal miracle because your grace certainly satisfies me. Surely your peace rests in the heart consecrated to you. Then that the interest in the greatest miracle disappears every day of my life.

If there is something in me or in my house that is dishonoring you, help me see how to change. In the same way, If any situation in the past is favoring an error in my home, come and remove it..

This prayer of eternal miracle I place at the foot of the cross in the Savior who redeemed me and gave me hope. For it is in his name that I ask. Amen!

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