Red Sea Prayer

He who divided the Red Sea into two parts; for his kindness endures forever; Psalms 136:13 And you saw the affliction of our fathers in Egypt, and heard their cry at the Red Sea. Nehemiah 9:9

Lord God, how much deliverance you did in the past, that's why the psalmists pray the red sea prayer, because they were impressed by your deeds. Who doesn't marvel at your great deeds? The Lord is tremendously wonderful, so praise and worship should only be given untili, strong and powerful God. Your wonders, dear God, are great, even when there is no apparent way out, the Lord finds a way to open the doors, windows and everything your heart desires. Forgive my sin and help me walk towards the promised land.


How unfathomable is your love, for you love sinners like me, even though I am unworthy, undeserving of your grace. Be the one in my life who opens the doors when everything is closed, when no solution appears. Your voice is thunderous, it made the sea part with your wonderful power. The psalmists prayed the Red Sea prayer because they knew of your deeds, opening the sea, and taking those people to the land that the Lord had already promised as a possession.

Guide me to your promised land, help me pass through the red sea of problems that come into my life. But I know, my God, that to cross the sea, I must put my foot in the water, for me to reach the other side I need to believe. I know you want to part the sea for me, but first I need to believe, so I do the prayer of powerful faith. When the impossible is in front of me, I must come to you, allow the Lord perform a miracle in my life. Perform a miracle on me, opening my heart, so that your blessings can come upon my life.

Oração do mar vermelho

Be the center, the one of the past who opened the red sea, and took millions of your people from Egypt to the promised land. So help me to be among your people, those who are walking towards heavenly Canaan. help me to believe in you, so that I can understand that not everything will be easy along the way. Those Israelites passed on dry land after the Lord brought them out of the land of Egypt.


Help me, Lord God, to look at the cross of Christ, who brought me out of the land of Egypt, from the Egypt of perdition to its marvelous light. Keep me on your way, be a pillar of cloud by day to protect me from the enemy's strong sun. Be my pillar of fire at night as it was for your people in the desert, to protect me from dark nights that can plague me.

The psalmist prayed the Red Sea prayer because he believed in your deeds, I believe it too. It is not impossible to reach you, my beloved God, but by faith I will touch the sea and it will open by your power. The Lord will make a strong wind come over the sea of problems in my life and help me see the way out when everything seems unsolvable..

So I place my struggle, my battles, my tensions in your hands. I say the Red Sea Prayer, believing like the psalmist, that The Lord answers the cry in the midst of affliction. Open the red sea that is before me and help me cross, hear my cry, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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