Prayer of the built home

The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous. Proverbs 3:33

Eternal and good God, I thank you for this prayer of the built home. That's why I hand over my entire house into your hands so that the Lord can come and instruct everyone in this home. So forgive everyone their sin and help everyone to seek you with all their heart.


Everyone here needs you because the Lord is the source of life and our beloved Father who also brought salvation. Therefore, only before you can we prostrate and worship, so Don't let us get attached to the things of the world. This way our trust in you will increase and we will feel happy about it.

With this prayer of the built home I will increase my faith because I cling to Jesus Christ, my Savior, because I do not wish to be as the wicked are. Then I will be among your saints not because I am good, but because I have clung to the goodness of Jesus. So the desire to Christ transforms the heart and it becomes new to flow rivers of water of life.


I I will trust in your power because he is capable of restoring the homes most shattered by the enemy. It is the Lord who picks up the pieces on the floor and does not glue them together, but kneads them all together and makes a new vase. That is why the Lord is a specialist in transforming an evil into a blessing giving us not what we deserve, but what we need.


God, I know that what human beings deserve is the consequences for their own mistakes. But I seek you with this prayer of the built home because I know that the Lord paid the price for the error of humans on the cross of Calvary. Like this me and my house have a new opportunity.

Only the Lord is a blessed king who cares about his children on earth, because he loves and sympathizes with each home that is suffering at this moment. Only the Lord consoles and wipes away the tears of someone who has lost a loved one. That's why come and act in the hearts of each one of my family so that they surrender before your holiness.

Don't forget my home, that's why I go to the Lord with this prayer for a built home. Build him on the rock that is Jesus Christ, he is the immovable stone, so nothing can shake us to the point that we fall. Christ is my strong tower, my high refuge, so I will not be afraid.

I will trust in your power, I will also trust in your love, I will cling to your grace as a magnet clings to metal. Help me to be faithful to the Lord so that I can set an example for my entire home. Like this my whole house can walk together in prayer preparing for heaven.

May this prayer for a built home be answered and may great blessings come to my home. Help us to be just because although there is good in us in nature, our nature can be changed through Jesus.

The Lord is my strong arm, my daily song, so I will take a long time to meditate on everything the Lord has done for me since the cross. But your plan to save the human race is from eternity. So I thank you for everything, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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