Prayer of the Faithful

And his master said to him: Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things; enter into the joy of your lord. Matthew 25:21

As I get closer to you I feel better and better, the prayer of the faithful helps me to stay closer to you every day. How I marvel at the Lord, God, at your immense mercies. Your kindness transformed my life, helping me to be firm in you. O God, forgive my sin, Father, bring me to you, beloved Lord. God, come to me, I want to be that good and faithful servant in Jesus' parable. I know that the gifts come from you and I want to use them for you. I want to recognize your greatness that shines like the sun of justice and permeates the entire universe.


Only in you do I have hope, only through you can I be a good and faithful servant. So help me, Father, to be faithful in little and also in much. Help me Lord God to use my mental faculties for the honor and glory of your holy and loving name. I only need you in my life so that it truly becomes an abundant life, filled with your peace and love that transforms lives.

Happy is my heart, to know that there is a God who cares about me, and who wants me to help others. Holy Father, this prayer of the faithful servant, I pray it because only the Lord is capable of transforming me into a person who honors and glorifies your holy name. Help me have one powerful faith.

Oração do fiel

I desire eternal Father, to enter into your perfect joy, I want to have the satisfaction of following you until the end of my life. I want to be a servant worthy of entering the gate of the Holy City. How I wish that my family members become your servants, and that one day, they and everyone who accepted the truth will be together in the new heaven on the New Earth that inhabits righteousness.


God, you have given me talents, and you have given me gifts to use for your honor and glory. All this the Lord gave me for the benefit of all work, both in me and through me. In this prayer of the faithful I ask that thehelp me to be an open book that demonstrates that I live your truth, that through me many people come to know your kingdom. Help me, Lord, by word, deed and thought is bound to you.

Kind Father, may I be faithful to you as the compass is faithful to you, may I be firm, not buying or selling myself even if the heavens fall. Take care of me, protect my family, and may rain of blessings come from my lips into people's earss. This prayer of the faithful is for the honor and glory of your holy and great name.

So Father, I turn to you, I want to take ownership of your purpose for my life. I want to enter your kingdom, pass through the gate of the Holy City and one day be able to embrace Jesus Christ, and soon after my loved ones who died saved who will be with me and with all the redeemed forever. I pray all this, looking to Calvary, then to your throne, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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