Prayer of the Holy Spirit

In the same way, the Spirit also helps us in our weakness. Because we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groans. Romans 8:26

My God and father, I address you with this prayer of the Holy Spirit because he is the one who acts in my life to transform my character. Therefore, I will only remain firm before your presence through the action of the third person of divinity. He came exactly to convince us of the sin of righteousness and judgment. In the same way, all your truth guides us and presents us with Christ, the savior of all life on Earth.


In this prayer of the Holy Spirit I ask forgiveness for my sins. In this way I want my faith to be strengthened because I trust you entirely. Although I don't I am nothing in Christ I am a new creature transformed by the omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord says in your word that the Holy Spirit translates our prayers, which we often do not know how to pray as we should. However, the Holy Spirit knows what is deep in our hearts and what we do not know how to express should reach you as we really are. Although, my dear Father, the Lord, know all things and what is in the human heart, you want us to open ourselves to you. This way we can be in greater communion with the Lord who created the sky, earth, sea, water source and everything that exists in the universe.


This prayer from the Holy Spirit is an acknowledgment that I am a new person solely because He is the one who transforms my life. There is certainly nothing good in me, and the things that are good are only because of the great work you do in my life.


So look at me, see my heart at this moment, look at all the afflictions I go through, at the difficulties of each problem. So help me to act according to your kindness and your love I will feel in my heart. That's why, dear Father, I don't want to be at the final judgment where all the unjust will be punished. Including my God, my wish is that my entire family is with me and so is every person I preached to and spoke of your Holy Word.

Listen, then, to this prayer of the Holy Spirit, which he translates, showing what is deepest in my heart. So probe me, oh God, may my heart prove and know my thoughts, see if there is any evil path in me and guide me along the eternal path.

My God, I know that one day the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth, but not from the hearts of those who give their lives to you praying for change. Soon the door of Grace will be closed and he who gave his life to you will be saved but those who denied it will be lost forever.

Therefore, because of the Holy Spirit I will be prepared for your eternal kingdom. May the Lord make me rest in peaceful places. Always touch my heart when I am following something wrong. In this prayer of the Holy Spirit I seek refuge in you and courage to walk the path of Christ.

May the Holy Spirit act in me and through me so that I may be a channel of blessing for whoever is in front of me. May the Holy Spirit give me discernment between what is holy and what is profane and perception of the reality in which I live on earth. Protect and guard my entire family from all evil and guard my soul on its path. Yes, my dear God, I will not forget what the Lord has done in my life in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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