They will teach my people to distinguish between the holy and the profane and will make them discern between the unclean and the clean. Ezekiel 44:23
My God and Father, in this prayer of discernment I present myself before you, giving glory and praise. Your promises are faithful and enabling, it is the Lord who strengthens me in every moment of my life. Thus, my God, I will be able to remain on the path of holiness, where the Lord is the center of everything. Dear Father, do not allow the things of the world to be the center of my life, so I can wholeheartedly honor your name.
My God, the Lord said that the people were well educated in ancient Israel, but in the same way the Lord wants us to be educated. So, Father, help me to discern between what is holy and profane. Help me, dear God, I am closer to you, seeking the Lord firmly. Lord, in this prayer of discernment I place my prayers and all my desire to change my life. That's why I want my character to be forged with fire, and for your Spirit to take control of my life.
My God, I only need you, with the Lord by my side I will know what honors you or not. In this way, my Heavenly Father, I could be one with you, being straight in your path. So my desire in this prayer of discernment is that the Lord would help me see the great spiritual battle of life. So, my Father, I want to walk in your path without mixing holy things with profane things. So, be in my life because I desire reflect Christ.
So help me to watch the avenues of the soul, which are eyes, ears, vision, touch and my speech. Therefore, my God, help me to use all my senses for the honor and glory of your holy name. Because my desire is to honor you and I do not want to use the gifts that the Lord gave me in the wrong way.
God, my dear Father, do not let me follow crooked paths, but may I distinguish between everything that is true and false, sweet and salty. In this way, dear God, I will live a life that pleases your eyes and your grace will be life-giving to my entire being.
Be, Lord, a protective and beloved God, the one who leads me to eternal salvation. Thus, I will be with the Lord forever. O God, give me discernment so that I can distinguish everything that happens around me, so that I will not be an easy prey for the enemy.
In this prayer of discernment, I place my faith, my life, because I wish to dwell with you forever. Without your help I won't be able to move forward, so I'm making a prayer of reflection to You, so I will always be connected to the source of life.
My God, when things appear before me disguised as something good, help me to distinguish, through your Spirit, so I will not fall into the traps that were set for me. Be the one who gives me spiritual binoculars so I can see the traps, so I can get rid of all evil. Be my strength, my protection.
May my life be lived with true meaning, with pages that always show the Lord at my side. I present this prayer of discernment to you, so that it will help me distinguish the holy from the profane, the pure from the impure. So, I can live with you eternally and may my family be with me on this great day. Your will be done, my God, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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