Challenge Prayer

Then Jesus said to his disciples, If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.       Matthew/16:24

I thank you, Lord, for hearing me through this challenge prayer. Forgive me, shape me, and help me to be connected to Christ, the author and finisher of my faith. Thanks and praise be given to the Lord, my most high king and truth. I place my life in your hands at this moment so that you can take care of it.


Great are you the Lord, strong and mighty in battle, great king of the nations. You know the human heart and you know how to act in each situation. Then come welcome me in my concerns and give me power to follow your flag which has been extended since Eden. God, you know all the challenges I have to face, so give me the strength to move forward without giving up.

I do not seek you with this prayer of challenge in vain, but because I only have you. The Lord probes the human heart and knows what is happening within it. Therefore, act with your immense mercy and saving power. Who am I, my Father on this earth? How can I face life without you? Nothing is possible without the Lord by my side.


How good it is to always be by your side, because help comes from you at all times. Struggles I have to face, but I certainly have the Lord, so even in the face of death I have at my side the one who has the power to overcome death. I'm on the winner's side, so I will face my challenges with faith.


In this prayer of challenge I seek the God who protects, who saves and who will always act wisely. I want to face obstacles, lifting the cross that the Lord gave me and fighting powerfully at your side. Surely from you comes the power to overcome evil and all difficulties around me.

Take care, my God with all my heart. I know that the days are bad and that's why I ask for the Lord's power to overcome every day. The Lord is my daily portion to grow spiritually and overcome the enemy. From you comes to protection in all moments of struggles and trials.

I'm on the winner's side that's why I say this prayer of challenge. Flood my being with your saving grace and help me carry out the work that the Lord has given me. Let my light shine to the world because Christ enlightens me.

I once again beseech you for your kindness and mercy for all the days of my life. On my journey difficulties will come and many times my feet may succumb to a challenge.

So, my Father, do not let me weaken, but keep me firm, seeking you with this prayer of challenge, with study of your word and dedication to your gospel.

I pray that you give me the almighty power of the Holy Spirit to face every situation that the enemy proposes to me. This way I will be sure that not an arrow of evil will be able to harm me.

Hear this prayer of challenge and direct me to the steps of eternity, I ask in the name of my beloved savior Jesus. amen!

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