Prayer of God's care

Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6,7. But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen them and protect them from the evil one.2 Thessalonians 3:3

With one prayer of God's care, I seek you Lord. I know that no matter how terrible the world is in sin, the Lord does not stop acting. Certainly the world is not left to its own devices, because you act in both the big and small details of the history of this world.. I know that although there are thousands of unbelievers across the planet, the world was marked with before and after Christ. So may your name be praised and exalted, for you created all things for your honor and glory.


Forgive my sins, for your own sake, God, because I have nothing more to give you than everything I am. So, Father, transform me into a new person, so I can be yours entirely. How I want to wake up every morning, knowing that the Lord will always lead me on the path to eternity. In this prayer of God's care, I draw closer to the only God, winner of all battles, those who make me victorious even if I fall, because he always lifts me up.

My God, may the flame of your Spirit burn within me and help me to be a person completely yours. May the grace of Jesus and the love of God the Father and communion of the Holy Spirit be in my life. Trusting in your promises, I humble myself before your presence, casting away all my anxiety. So I can be a victorious person who exalts you. Father, in this prayer of God's care, I place all my anxieties, my fears, all my fears.

Oração do cuidado de Deus

My life, eternal God, I place entirely in your hands, because you care for me. Even though I knew I would make mistakes, it showed that I have a purpose in my life. So dear Father, in this prayer of God's care, I put my trust, even if I fail many times. So I always want to return to you so that I may be eternally Lord.


Holy God, the Lord will always free me from the evil one, because he is already defeated. I know, my God, that the serpent bit Jesus' heel on Calvary, but at the same time the head of this serpent called Satan was crushed with the victory of the cross. Therefore I am a victorious person.

Save me in the ordeal, in the anguish, in the fear of making the right decisions. Help me to have the strength to fulfill my duty, even if it costs me a high price. So, too, my God, I turn to you in the prayer of God's care, that you may be in firm rock which is Christ.

May I be strengthened by the power of him who created the universe with the power of his word. Revitalize me by the word of life that died on the cross to then recreate all things. Take care of my family, remove disbelief from everyone's hearts, cleanse everything that is bad so that everyone can see your care. I ask for all of this and I thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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