Prayer of the contrite

He will answer the prayer of the helpless and will not despise their prayer. Psalms 102:17

My eternal God, Holy Father in heaven, I seek you in this prayer of the contrite because the Lord is always open to listen to those who sincerely turn to you. In fact, because of your mercy I am not consumed, so I strive to seek you because I know your greatness and that the Lord always listens to the person who opens up to you. That's why I also ask you to forgive me for my sins and to strengthen my faith and keep me on your holy path. My desire, dear God, is to honor you, no matter the circumstances of life, regardless of tribulation.


Holy One of Israel, all who come to you with the prayer of the contrite have their souls open to accept your precious truths. Yes, your eternal will will be my path, so that I will steadily make my way towards the promised land. O God, be a part of my life at all times so that I may be rounded out in Grace by virtue of your Holy Spirit. I will honor you with all that I have and all that I am because you are worthy of all honor, glory and praise..

My life depends on you, because the Lord created all the things that exist in the universe in perfect order. So all the planets and everything created walk according to your will. So I can only surrender to you with this prayer of the contrite because I know that you are listening to me right now.


Holy Father, great God, if there is any sin in me, cleanse me and I will become a clean person. Then I will be able to stand before you firmly, always moving forward, always clinging to you. This prayer also belongs to renovation spiritual, so renew me when everything seems broken.


In this prayer of the contrite I draw near to your throne of grace, so that I can cling to you and grow steadily. So help me to always be close to you, being a totally liberated person, always seeking your path. My God, when my soul is downcast, I look up to heaven, I see your promises and I place my life entirely in your hands so that it can be held ever more firmly in you. In this way, dear God, my bond with you will be much stronger than death. So my attachment to the Lord will always revive when I seem to be dying, because he will never abandon me.

At all times, I will pour out my life to you in the prayer of the contrite, so that I may be nourished by the heavenly balm provided by your holy hands. May Jesus be my meditation, may my life always be that of a person faithful to your promise. So I can be with you forever.

Look at me at this moment and help me, O God, to always stand firm, too bless my family with the touch of your Spirit in their hearts. That way, God, they'll understand and they'll be by your side when it's all over. Answer this prayer of the contrite for your own sake in Jesus' name. Amen!

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