Prayer of knowledge

If you cry for knowledge, and lift up your voice with understanding, if you seek it like silver, and seek it like hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and you will find the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:3-5

God, you are the God of truth, so I only address you in prayer of knowledge, because only in you can I have hope and power. The Lord does not even look at those who think they are wise in their own eyes. Who is a weak and flawed human being to think he knows something? Without your support, all life would fail. Whoever does not recognize your greatness is denying the greatest knowledge of all.


The wisdom of this world will never be enough to save human beings. Only what comes from the cross can bring life to humanity. Without the cross of Christ, the entire universe faints. If everyone presented themselves before you with the prayer of knowledge, the Lord would free all those who are without direction in life, without hope for their soul.

Forgive me for my sins, my God and Father, forgive me for every moment of ignorance. Remove from me any kind of unbelief that causes me to stumble. Free me from all those who dishonor your name and help them to see your wisdom. Help them see your beauty, the wisdom in every ray of sunlight, in every sunny morning. Show everyone how the Lord created all things. Help each of us to be in prayer towards the journey to heavenly Canaan.

Oração do conhecimento

It is very good to pray to you a prayer of knowledge, because it is from the Lord that wisdom comes. So help me not stick to what I think is best for my life. Everyone needs to see beyond the gray veil of this world and see your action in each person's life. God, in the midst of wars and hunger, many people suffer and are dying, help them at this time. But also help unbelievers to understand that although the Lord cares about everything in this life, about each person, his greatest plan is to save them..


Whoever seeks you in the prayer of wisdom is because they desire your presence, they see that in the midst of the chaos of life there is a solution that the world can never provide. True knowledge is not blind, but is founded on the greatest hope of all time. Jesus is our beloved savior, from him comes the knowledge of the cross, the antidote for healing the soul. My God, I thank you for making me see that Even in the face of hunger, pestilence, wars and misery, the Lord will save all those who gave their lives to you, Father of eternity.

May I always be seeking you with the prayer of knowledge. May your holy Spirit urge me to do your will above all things. Make me understand your fear, seek as a treasure all the wisdom that comes from you. Help me and also my whole family are always clinging to the knowledge of your word. In the prayer of knowledge of your purpose for my life I cling, be my direction, and save us for your kingdom, through Jesus. Amen!

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