Prayer of the divine call

The Lord called Samuel, and he said: Here I am.1 Samuel 3:4

As I address you, my God, with this prayer of divine calling, I wish for greater communion with you. Thus my soul will exhort before your Holy Presence. There is certainly no way to live without you, because without the Lord there is no foundation, there is no meaning. So keep me in the truth and help me to establish myself in the faith that overcomes the world.


Stand before me, my God, help me to worship you, go before you with a spirit of worship. Thus I will show recognition of your infinite greatness, your love, grace and compassion. My God, the point here is that I am a weak sinner and the Lord God is forgiving and transforming of character.

That's why in this prayer of the Divine call I want to be like Samuel. Because he heard your voice from childhood and accepted your call. So I also want to accept and establish myself even more in faith. Therefore the my desire is to always hear your voice and also respond in acceptance to the call.


Holy God, I will hear your call and I will meet you, because listening to your voice is having the best direction of all. This way I will not be caught up in what is mundane but I will accept your instructions, as you will tell me what to do and certain situations, moments timely.


My eternal God, Samuel heard your call when he was a child, he was educated in spiritual things. Then help me educate my children or any little one that is part of my family and even some acquaintances. This way they can also seek you with this prayer of divine calling.

Holy One of Israel and mine, be here, always in my heart, place your hands on my chin and lift me up to observe so that I can look up. So I will see Christ at your side interceding for me, he is the Lord of my salvation who died to save my life on the cross of Calvary. So come to me and guide my steps towards heavenly Canaan.

I want to hear your voice whispering in my ears, saying “son, this is the path, walk it”. I want to pick you up when everything around me is falling apart. I will demonstrate to the world my faith that holds on to the highest throne of grace, which is why I pray this prayer of divine calling.

Certainly your infinite greatness transforms hearts at all times. I ask that the Lord will also meet my family and friends and be with my neighbors. Why I want everyone to be in heaven one day, taking hold of the eternal promise to them.

So I put everything in your hands so that just like Samuel, he also hears your voice and gives his life to you. Take away from me everything that is corrupt, that displeases you, whether in words, actions or thoughts.

I trust in you Lord, because if I hear your voice I will always be able to distinguish what comes from your mouth and what does not. So I cling to the Lord more and more in this prayer of the Divine call because I want to be one of your servants who heard your call and will follow with faith and devotion. I end this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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