Prayer of the Call

OrAnd when the Lord saw that he turned to see, God called out to him from the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. He replied: Here I am.Exodus 3:4

My God and the father I seek at this moment with this prayer of the call because I know that the Lord has a great purpose in my life. So help me walk in preparation for this calling by helping me not forget what you have for me. Therefore, I ask for forgiveness for my sins to strengthen my soul.


God, my calling may not be the same as Moses, but the Lord has a great work for me and I must fulfill it on this earth. Then help me to remain faithful to the Lord in every point of life. This way I will be able to grow in Grace by virtue of the Holy Spirit.

This prayer of calling I pray to the Lord, because you have a huge plan for me and through me. Just as the Lord did to Moses, do to me no matter how difficult it is. He knew he had a great purpose to bring the Israelites out of that land of Egypt. But for this the Lord prepared him another 40 years to return to his people.


My beloved Father, this was a great process for Moses, perfecting himself and being the shepherd of his people. So take away everything that is bad so that I can be prepared for your call.


The Lord knows what is going on in my heart, he knows the difficulties I have and the things that I have to abandon that are deep within me. That's why May the Holy Spirit come into the basement of my unconscious and make me see what I have to change.

So listen to this calling prayer and help me prepare for Christ's return in the clouds of heaven. Help me to be faithful so that I can help my family go with you towards the Promised Land.

Make me overcome everything that harms my character and give me the power to move forward even when everything is falling apart. I know that I am a flawed and weak person, at one time or another I may stumble. But I know that the Lord has not abandoned me because the Lord recognizes my weaknesses and that is exactly why he sends his Holy Spirit.

My gratitude is here praying with this prayer of calling because I know that Christ is by my side. Thanks I give you for your goodness, mercy and listening to me and leading me to eternal salvation even in the face of ordeal.

I don't want to murmur on this journey of life, but to believe in the Lord regardless of the circumstances. In this way, I ask that you remove from me all traces of unbelief. Don't allow the shadows of life to make me forget you. So if the waves of this life destroy my faith, touch me and help me look to you again.

Take care of me, my God, so I don't stop looking at you, even when things aren't going well. Help me to see what your proposal is for my life on this earth and May I be a light to all those the Lord sends me. Listen to this prayer of calling, because I ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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