Prayer of the tired

Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.Matthew 11:28

Lord my God, I do this to you prayer of the tired pointing to your great support in the face of the situation in which I live, because without the Lord by my side it is impossible for me to continue moving forward. So come to me and help me to be what you want for my life. Surely the Lord is all I have, therefore I have everything that is good for me. The Lord is the holy God, the one who still performs miracles in the present.


So in this prayer from Tired, I place my life in your hands because it was the Lord who helped me at different moments in my life. So I had the greatest comfort I could have in my life. That's why I seek you with all my heart, because you've been so good to me, so true, but how could that not be your essence.


Forgive my sins, my God, help me to walk uprightly so that I do not turn my eyes away from you. In the same way, come and be my comfort in everything, be present in my life with each challenge. Come then, bring your relief so that I can follow firmly on your path of light. Help me get through transformation What do you want.

God, in this prayer of the tired I place myself leaning on the shoulders of Christ as the apostle John did. So he felt the power of the one who was close to him, as he was the savior who would change the history of this world. So he felt that strong presence in his life and also in the life of everyone who wants Jesus to live in their life.. In view of this, my God, I ask that you come to me at this moment, placing me in your hands so that you may guide me on your path to eternal life.


I know, my eternal Father, that nothing is greater than the Lord, that's why I say this prayer for the tired because I know that you gave everything from heaven to us. O God, how good it is to be by your side, to be a person who fears the Lord, because he cares and treats each human being as the only one on this earth. So I feel like a privileged person. Certainly without your help I would have no solution.

My God and Father, help me to walk with my precious arms in you so that I may grow for eternity. Why Without the Lord there is no way I can have safe rest. So come to me, hear this prayer of the tired and place me in your arms of love and mercy.

Thanks and praise be given to the Lord who sees everything, because he has been good to me and helped me to be faithful. That's why I cling to the call of Christ, because he says come to me, then I will not be able to fail to respond to this call because Christ It's my greatest need.

Holy, just and compassionate God Father, look at me and give me your hand as a help in opportune moments. So I ask that you save me and my family for your kingdom in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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