Prayer of the repentant

I did not come to call the righteous, but rather sinners, to repentance.Luke 5:32

Lord my God, this prayer of the repentant It's because I felt the touch of your Holy Spirit in my heart. That way I felt a big change deep inside me. This is how I see the principle of transformation in my entire being. I know that without the Lord I would be lost, that's why I insist on seeking you every day of my life.


I ask forgiveness for my sins, help me to stand even if the sky comes to fall on my head. O The Lord comes to us with timely help, helping us in every circumstance of our lives. I know that even if it doesn't seem like it at times, the Lord is there in some way helping. So if the Lord my God came to call the lost to repentance, here I am recognizing this and surrendering myself to your call.

My God, in this prayer of the repentant I seek your face that shines like the Sun of justice. Although I am a sinner, I can come to your throne of grace through sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Eternal God, I know that many times you do not cure me of my problem because you will use my problem to heal my soul.


So help me to recognize in this prayer of the repentant your saving grace and your hand extended to help. There is no cause that you cannot win, there is no power that can limit your actions in my life. The Lord is the all-powerful God who created the heavens, the earth and the sea. Don't make everything tremble with your magnificent presence. Christ came to this world to save me and I want to embrace this opportunity out of love for yourself.


Help me, O my God, to accept your acceptance leads to true conversion. After all, my God, I don't want a partial conversion, I don't want to live a double or discouraged life. But I will be faithful with your powerful help, so I can turn my back on the bad things in the world and follow your holy paths of justice. I will not walk the path of lukewarmness, otherwise I will not be truly living his gospel.

How good it is to be seeking you with this repentant prayer. I want to be like the publican who doesn't even look at the sky and beats his chest saying: O God be favorable to me, a sinner. So my recognition of sin and what my nature is will make me cast my life upon you.

I know, my Holy God, that Christ may be born several times in Bethlehem, but if he is not born in my heart, my life will not change. So in this prayer of the repentant I recognize my limitations. That my searches for you are from a sincere heart that truly desires a change. The Lord is strong and powerful to finish the good work he began to do in me.

Then prepare me for the encounter with my Jesus, my savior and king, he who loves us and with his blood bought us for the Lord. Furthermore, my savior is at the right hand of the Father, interceding for me. Thus, I always live with the certainty that my salvation is secure in Jesus if I remain firm in your path.

Hear, my God, this prayer of the repentant and help me achieve the blessings you have in store for me and save both me and my family for your glory. I finish this prayer, my Lord and king, begging you not to abandon me, even if I happen to fall into temptation.. Always lift me up so that I can always walk with you even though I fail. Answer this prayer in the name of your beloved Son Jesus. Amen!

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