Counseling Prayer

God is the one who has wisdom and power; to him belong counsel and understanding.Job 12:13

God, my dear Father, before you I present myself with this counseling prayer. This way I can have a much stronger communion with you and be sure that you are by my side. Therefore, I ask forgiveness for any sin I committed that day.


Before the Lord is my entire being, as I long for a new home. I seek your advice so that my life can grow spiritually and honor your name. So run to me, come give me your instructions so that I can make decisions that please you.

When I seek you with this prayer of advice, I place myself at your side, knowing that I have Jesus as my intercessor. This way I feel more security, because my secure life is in my Christ. So come keep me from myself, helping me to be faithful at all times.


Before the Lord I take refuge so that he warms me and transforms me inside. This way I will always feel your presence in my life, giving me comfort and joy. But God, I don't want to walk away from you, so help me make the best decisions. So take over my life completely and Make me see beyond what I see.


See my faith, listen to this prayer of advice and give me instructions to make the best decisions in life. In every step I take, wherever I am, be my guide, my discernment. I want to contemplate the beauty of your holiness, For this I need to go forward towards the land of promise with faith in Jesus.

Lord God, I can't move forward without your help, so I need your instruction, your wisdom, I need every piece of advice. This way I won't rush into things, but I will make the best decisions in life, no matter the situation. I know that Your teaching helps the married, single, children, as well as everyone who is sincere at heart.

My life depends on you in every decision I make, so help me to look forward without anxiety. With this counseling prayer I will not be trapped by the circumstances of life, because The Lord is by my side ready to help in every situation of life.

Don't let me be trapped in the enemy's bonds and become his slave with things of no spiritual value. But from the Lord comes the power to overcome, and the strength that lifts. Then I will let myself be carried away by your saving action in my life, so talk to me, help me hear your voice.

This great moment that I have with you in this counseling prayer strengthens me every day of work. Furthermore, I know that you keep me from the evil one, for your strength is felt by all those who truly give their lives to you.

I want the wisdom of Solomon, give me the knowledge of Paul and the purity of Daniel. So come to me, enlighten me before your direction. So your Spirit will bring something new into my heart.

I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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