A strong tower is the name of the Lord; the righteous will run to it, and will be in high refuge.Proverbs 18:10
On top of a mountain or on a plane, I cry out to the Lord, a source of blessing, love and compassion. The strong Tower is the name of the Lord, seek shelter in God, my eternal fortress forever and ever. Thus, my God and faithful Father, I approach you, surrendering to your magnificent and exalted presence, forgive me, O eternal God. Also forgive, Lord God, that relative of mine who is unfortunate due to the works of the enemy, free him, help him to accept your forgiveness and find you high refuge.
Compassionate God, from eternity to eternity you are holy, eternal rock that was present in our lives through your beloved son, Jesus Christ. In view of this, I look at the Cross and I see my salvation, I see the transformation of my life, I see how my character can be molded and transformed into your image and likeness, O Father.
My God, you are my shelter When I am going through suffering and my soul is greatly afflicted, I look to the sky and I know where my help is. O Lord my God, stand around me as the mountains were around Jerusalem. Who could I look for, isn't it just you who gave your son and with your arms stretched out on the cross hugged me? The answer to all my concerns lies solely in you, O God who must be praised before all the domains of infinite space, because even the stars, the moon and the sun bow before your greatness and immense majesty.

O God, the Lord embraces human beings in moments of depression, as He embraced Elijah when he fled from Jezebel, and once again set him on his path. It was the Lord, my God, who kept Daniel in the lions' den, it was exactly the Lord, a strong tower that protected Daniel's friends in the fiery furnace.
O God, great Father, that in the furnace of affliction of my emotional, financial, affective and health problems, may I not be singed by these flames. So Father, the people you will see that the God of Israel of the past is the same God of Israel of the present, he is the God of the pact and alliance with all those who accepted your saving grace for humanity.
At this moment, God, even if some of the people I pray for are not on your path, protect each one of them, be a shelter, but at the same time shake their heart so that they come to recognize your greatness and accept your forgiveness.
O Father, in this prayer of those who seek shelter in God, only those who accept you as a high refuge make it. The Lord is a strong tower, so even if the enemy's arrows hit me, the Lord is in my heart, guarding it, taking it completely into your hands, for it is your property.
In the shelter of the Rock I hide, I ask for the Lord's protection, because the Lord hears me and heals me and makes me see much more than I could imagine. When my tears, O God, fall, dry them for me. Lift my gaze to see your arm outstretched, raised to show you are with me. So eternal Father, I will rise and move forward, even if I am bloodied by the struggles of life, I will be a faithful soldier who seeks the high refuge, strong tower and fortress for all those who trust in you.
So Father, I once again surrender my heart to you, may my entire being live in sanctification, take it in your hands, help me to be a channel of blessing for my family and that through me, by your power, we may all come to live in the promised land. I ask and thank you for your great blessing, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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