Prayer of reflection

“Come, let us reflect together”, says the Lord. “Though your sins are as red as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be as red as purple, they shall become like wool. Isaiah 1:18

My God, how good it is to look for you in prayer of reflection, because this world is so busy. The enemy uses every trick to destroy us and hurt your heart. As he cannot directly do something with the Lord, he does it indirectly with human beings. So he sheds tears of you, my beloved God. But Father, forgive me my sins, don't let me shame your cause, don't allow the rush of life to take away my time for reflection. Thanks be given only to you, O beloved God who forgives the sins of all those who repent and confess to you.


God, glories and hallelujahs be given to the Lord for forgiving us even when we go to the bottom of the pit in sins. Dear God, you do not save people trapped in sin, but you save all those who accept your forgiveness and live a life in your truth by faith, even though they are flawed. That's also why I pray for your justice and may my prayer of reflection make me go to high places.

I know, my God, that as long as the door of salvation is open, it doesn't matter if people are very dirty in sin, because the Lord transforms. I am a grateful person to know that even someone who was terribly tainted by a wrong life The Lord said that they will be as white as snow if they accept salvation from the heart.

Oração de reflexão

How good it is to know that the Lord forgives all those who truly convert to Christ. So, my God, people will not be lost because they sinned, but because they reject this forgiveness that is in chapter 1 of Isaiah. Father help me, your salvation is always tied, accept your forgiveness daily. Help me to look at your mercy that is renewed every morning. In this prayer of reflection I place my faith in your promises that are faithful and enabling.


May I always be looking for your forgiveness. However, my God, help me not to think that Jesus' grace was cheap. Don't let me think that it doesn't matter how we live, that in the end the Lord will forgive everything and save us.. Help me to see that there is a perdition and to be avoided. Therefore, in this prayer of reflection I present my prayer, as I wish to be more like Jesus every day.

God, don't let me live a lame gospel, one that tries to justify cherished sins. Help me to always reflect on my words, actions and thoughts. O God, my prayer of reflection is my faith placed solely in the merits of Christ.

I know, my beloved God, that if I present my works, no matter how good they are, they will never be able to achieve any merit before you. However, my God, I present the merits of Christ, they are my guarantee that I may forever dwell with all the redeemed in the new heaven and new earth. Thus, in this prayer of reflection I place myself in your hands so that the Lord may do the best in me.

May all the people I have been praying for, who are thinking there is no way left for them, be able to see this verse. May they see that forgiveness is given to all who surrender to Jesus. In the name of this loving name I ask you. Amen!

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