Prayer of promises

Now the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered for a little while, will himself perfect, establish, strengthen and establish you.1 Peter 5:10

Lord God, my almighty, I come to your presence with this prayer of promises because I know you always keep what you promise. Certainly the Lord never abandons the one he protects with all his heart. The Lord is my refuge and strength in the face of all the problems I face. So I am grateful for every moment of deliverance because each one of them has done something new in my life. Therefore, from now on I ask forgiveness for all my sins and May it give me strength to stand firm until the crown of Glory.


In this prayer of promises I place my trust entirely in your hands. This way I can be sanctified in your truth and have the peace that the Lord desires for the daily battles of life. Certainly The Lord fulfilled all the promises he made and will fulfill those that are yet to be determined. So help me to trust each one of them until the end so that I can be one among the multitude of those saved. May your name be praised and magnified for all always. Transform my life with your faithful and enabling promises so I can stand firm and may the Lord guide me in every step I take. That way it doesn't matter where I am, because I will be attached to your promises, they will certainly be fulfilled in my life.

How good it is, my God, to address the Lord through this prayer of promises because when I look at the past from Eden to the present moment, the Lord has acted powerfully. Great things have happened since the past until now, so humanity now knows of your power and your salvation. So, without your interference in the conflict situation that humanity is experiencing, it would be lost. Therefore, everyone who listens to your voice and holds fast to the scriptures with all their heart and love will live in your kingdom forever..


Before you I place my dreams and my entire life in your hands so that I can move forward. I need the Lord, so may my Father enlighten me throughout my journey in this life. This way my walk will be brilliant, bringing the gospel to others. May Christ be part of my daily life so I seek you with this prayer of promises because they are faithful and true because it was the eternal God who spoke them. Surely the Lord has compassion of all your children and also of all humanity.


Holy God, strengthen me daily so that I can face the enemy. In the same way, I perfect myself in your path so that my daily life is beautiful even in the midst of problems. Keep my feet on the ground even if life's situations shake me all the time. I also ask that you ground me in your sacred word so that I do not divert my thoughts away from your truth.

So in this prayer of promises I cling to the crown of Christ symbolically, but actually touching the hands of my beloved Savior. Therefore, it fulfills in me your desire to accomplish and make me rest in a place that you have prepared for me. In the name of my beloved savior Jesus. Amen!

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