Prayer for peace and protection

Our hope is in the Lord; he is our help and our protection. Psalms 33:20

My God in this prayer of peace and protection and I know Christ who gives us his gifts to enjoy. For surely your controlling power prevents humanity from passing completely into Satan's kingdom. Certainly the disobedient ungrateful people have great reason to be grateful for your immense mercy and great patience.


O God, I ask you to forgive me for my sins and help humanity to accept your message of salvation for them. My Father, unfortunately When a human being exceeds the limits of clemency, protection is removed. So Father, help each one to seek your peace and eternal protection, which is placed in a prayer of the contrite.

I turn to you in this prayer of peace and protection because The Lord is the Most High who guards all those who accept saving grace. Furthermore, my God, the Lord has mercy on the disobedient to the extent that is tolerable. I know that your judgment will come upon the earth, but do not execute the sentence quickly, but rather allow each person to reap what they have sown. Therefore, my God, protect my family, your peace may come through the acceptance of your gospel.


Hear then, my God and king, my prayer for peace and protection and place me under your guardianship. It also helps everyone who is downcast, who goes through immense distress. So remove from these people the anguish of their soul and make each one stand up again and in your sanctifying presence. My God, ennoble my heart and place me in places where I can feel the Lord by my side.


My soul feels a great desire to be by your side, which is why I cry out in this prayer of peace and protection. Surely the Lord is the joy of my heart, the God who never fails to warn and guide his people. So, my Father, may I not be among those who will perish in the judgment that will come upon the disobedient. But yes, among those who gave their lives to Jesus and seek to live in love, through faith and obedience to the Lord.

Dear Father, I thank you for the plans, great dreams ideal for me. The Lord guides me, so hear my prayer for peace and protection. Thus, everyone who places themselves in your hands will have the promised blessings. Certainly whoever seeks you will have the greatest blessing of all, Jesus in their heart. Because all those who only seek the Lord, wanting only material things, are lost. However, whoever seeks the kingdom of God will have other things, because the Lord is also concerned with the material lives of your children.

O God, hear my prayer for peace and protection and be the king of my life. Because everyone who seeks you with their heart will have their prayer answered at the right time. This is clear, my Father, if it is for your honor and your glory. So answer this prayer, for the love of Jesus, in his name I ask and thank you. Amen!

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