Prayer of enlightenment

Having enlightened the eyes of your understanding, that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints;Ephesians 1:18

Eternal God, my prayer of enlightenment It's for you to come and brighten my life every morning. How I depend on you, O God, because without the Lord life doesn't make any sense. That is why Christ came to shine on this land full of darkness to bring light and hope to humanity. Every step he took presented a truth that could transform lives and hearts every moment.


In this way I cling to the cross of Christ because through it came eternal salvation for humanity. So I place myself before the Lord with this prayer of enlightenment. May your peace rest upon my life through your Holy Spirit. In this way I could distinguish between what is holy and unholy and I would walk steadfastly without excuse for sin.

Present this prayer of mine asking for forgiveness for my faults, so help me change my thoughts when they are wrong. So may the Holy Spirit touch my heart so that I can always present this prayer of enlightenment. In the same way I ask May it enlighten the eyes of my understanding, because then the enemy will not deceive me with his sophisms. Even give me power to overcome all evil that comes before me.


One day I will certainly be in heaven, not by my own righteousness, but by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. So I will have my eternal crown because you put hope in my heart. In this prayer of enlightenment I ask that you go ahead on my path so that I can take steps in the darkness of the night. So I will have a divine miracle every day of my life.


As the enemy will try to take me down in every way, I cling to the Lord as Christ clung to in prayer. Likewise, the apostles did great works and remained faithful by clinging to you in prayer for enlightenment. Therefore, I know today what my vocation is, because you placed me on the path of the righteous and made me understand the richness of the Glory of your inheritance in the Saints.

Although when I look at myself I see no solution, when I look at Jesus Christ I see eternal salvation. That's why I know that the covenant is in heaven because Jesus took the path to the cross to save me. That your love transformed me, took me from a pit of perdition to eternal light. I can't help but seek you with this prayer of enlightenment.

In the same way, my dear God, who said “let there be light”, may the Lord make light appear before my path and clear my mind to make the right decisions.

May the Lord be blessed God every moment of my life, so I will feel your presence by my side. This way we will always walk together like good friends on a walk. I thank you because I know that the Lord hears my prayer for enlightenment and strengthens my soul when it is down and tired.. May your name be exalted in heaven, on Earth and in the sea forever and ever. Place all this in your hands in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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