Prayer of humility

When insulted, he did not retaliate; When he suffered, he did not make threats, but surrendered himself to the one who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you were healed. 1 Peter 2.23-24

Lord my God in this prayer of humility because once again I place my life entirely in your hands because I want to be a better person. I don't want to follow my life according to what I think is best, but according to your eternal purpose. So remove all the weeds that can destroy my heart. So I I will walk in your path even if life situations are terrible. That's why I may be a light to the world even in the face of the difficult pressure of life.


That's why I place myself in this prayer of humility, because Christ was firm until the end and barely opened his mouth to say anything. Even though he was an eternal God, he preferred to remain silent and even so, sparks of his glory shone. Then Christ died to raise up the fallen and raise up those who were in the power of darkness to be marvelous light.

That's why I want to honor you at all times, my God, because without the Lord there is no solution to solve the problems of human life. My soul cries out to you with this prayer of humility. Because I recognize your greatness, your infinite grace that permeates the entire universe. If every human being sought the Lord, then each of them would be transformed by the almighty power of the Holy Spirit.


If you look inside me you will find nothing good, but everyone who puts their life into your hands will be transformed. Therefore, I ask that you remove from me everything that is bad and everything that is selfish that hinders me in my life. In this way, I will pray a prayer of humility and walk firmly believing in the real proposal that is written in the scriptures for my salvation. At that moment I place my nothingness before you and May the Lord be my center for everything I think, speak and exist.


My God, in this prayer of humility my desire is to honor Christ who even though God did not judge humanity but allowed himself to be judged by humanity for the price of sin. Although I know that many do not understand the value of the gospel, all those who stand before Christ, the gospel changes their lives.

I removed every conception I have of myself so that I don't come and brag about something. Like this the patience of Christ wells up in my heart and knows how to comfort me in every situation. So strengthen my faith, give me peace, wisdom, understanding, give me spiritual education to keep me firm in my daily struggles. So I will always be invoking you in this prayer of humility.

As I stand beside Christ, seeking the Lord, my daily growth will certainly be enormous. So soon I can make better changes in my life that contribute to transforming the lives of others too. Address the situation save me and my family for your kingdom in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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