Prayer of gratitude

“Most High God of the Universe, We are grateful for the life you gave us, for each dawn that renews the opportunities to serve your purpose, for each dusk that allows us to give rest to our body and freedom to our soul.


We are grateful for the sacred space reserved for us on Mother Earth, for the food that gives us sustenance, for the sun that warms us, for the water that purifies us, for the air we breathe.

We are grateful for the awareness that allows us to choose, for the challenges that make us grow, for the understanding that we are here to learn and improve.

We are grateful for the roof that protects us, for the work that drives us, for the family that completes us and for the friends who walk with us on our path in life.

We are grateful for the body that supports our soul and makes our journey possible, for the health to carry out our tasks, for the healthy mind that allows us to dream, for the challenges that allow us to grow.


We are grateful for every opportunity, for every achievement, for every sacred moment, for every breath, for every thought, for every feeling revealed.

We are grateful, mainly, for having the opportunity to love, more and more and with the noblest intention that exists in our hearts. Amen"

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