Prayer of strength

The way of the Lord is a strength to the upright, but ruin to those who practice iniquity. Proverbs 10:29

God, who could I look for in my prayer of strength, if not to you, since you guide and protect me from all evil? Even if things don't go well, the Lord will be there doing great wonders. And these things, Lord, are of eternal interest because you have prepared a great work for everyone who holds fast to your promise. Being fair and true, spare no effort to help the poor soul who cries out to you.


May your kingdom come soon, my righteous Father, to do justice and complete its purpose of saving forever those who gave their lives into your hands. Therefore, in this prayer of strength, I seek refuge in the only one who is capable of healing my wounds.. The Lord is the only one who sees what is deep in the heart. Dad, I know how to see what I suffered, I know that there are people who have horrible childhood traumas and need a lot of help to overcome everything that happened in their lives. So help me and help this person, may we overcome everything.

Almighty Lord, who acts in the lives of everyone on earth, in this prayer of strength be my protector. Be my strong tower, so no enemy assault will be successful. May the Lord help me to be a person of integrity, may I not sell myself for anything. Help me to always walk in your path so that I can always stand firm on the path of righteousness. May the Lord help me every day I am meditating on prayer in the excelsa grace of Jesus.


O God, how good it is to know that the Lord protects us in different circumstances, so I can remain firm even when many things are bad. On your narrow path I will follow you, so I ask for power to overcome the most difficult challenges of my life. In my prayer of strength I place myself in your hands in great gratitude for everything you have done in my life, for every blessing poured out and prayer answered.


May God bring to ruin all those who wish evil in my life, but help them to see that the Lord forgives and transforms. Be strong and prevent the enemy's arrows from reaching me and take me away from your holy presence. Your word says: The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and delivers them. Psalms 34:7, So may they protect me at all times and my entire family.

This prayer of strength of mine clings to your promises because the Lord speaks in his word: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalms 46:1. That's why my trust is solely in you. Be my guide, for you are my rock and my fortress; for the sake of your name you will lead me and guide me. Psalms 31:3.

I finish this prayer, my God and Father, begging you not to move away from me, even if I make a mistake, so always stay by my side. Help me to always come back to you every time no matter what situation I find myself in. Your will be done, I ask, placing my trust in the merits of Jesus. Amen!

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