Prayer of Strength

I pray that, with his glorious riches, he will strengthen you in your innermost being with power through his Spirit, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and I pray that, being rooted and grounded in love, Ephesians 3.16-17

My strengthening prayer It is the same as Paul who looked at the entire church, giving the importance due to love. In this, I present my life to you, my eternal and Holy God, so that I may come to act with your powerful hand. This way I will be able to feel your care in the depths of my being, where the Lord transforms my life from the inside out.


When I put myself in prayer for strengthening, it is so that I can be in an intimate connection with you, feeling renewal of my entire being. Surely I know that your glorious riches are released to those who seek you with all their heart. Yes, my God, who really wants change regardless of the results. My life is always strengthened every time I pray to the all-seeing Lord, holy God of Israel. I long to be with Christ and be in your kingdom forever, that's why I pray this strengthening prayer.

My soul thirsts for you, my God, so come to me with your coal from the altar and purify me of my sins. Be, my beloved Father, the center of my thoughts and everything I have, because Christ is the most precious jewel in the universe. Help me to be serene and firm, always awaiting his promises.


God, in this prayer of strengthening I put my dreams and my struggles because I want to be firm in all of them. However, my God, my greatest desire is to have a holy character out of love for yourself. May your Holy Spirit come into the depths of my being and help me see everything that is bad in me and bring me closer to you every day.


Help me every day to have my steps firm, always saying this prayer of strengthening because this is where I place all my supplications. It is in this prayer that I show my situation to the Lord, my holy God. May your Holy Spirit go into the basement of my mind and make me understandsee the bad things that are stored there. Thus, my beloved Father, I will fight against the bad things that are in my being and walk according to your will.

Every day I will be seeking the Lord with this strengthening prayer because I know that your light can shine in me and help me draw strength from where I don't have it. May your Holy Spirit help me to be rooted in love for that my good deeds are not camouflaged with selfish desires. Lord, revive your work in me now so that my life may be an open letter to those who follow you from the heart.

In this prayer of strengthening, I ask that you help all your faithful who are spread across this land. Because just as the apostle Paul prayed for those Christians he had evangelized, I also pray for those who are suffering persecution throughout the world.

God, there is something in my life that cries out for help, and it can only come from the Lord who loves and cares for everyone. So in this prayer of strengthening I put my life completely so that it will always be under your loving direction. O God, although I know that much will be lost through rejection of your grace, I ask that you help me to always be in your presence so that the end result of my life is not one of perdition..

Hear from heaven this prayer of mine for strengthening and answer according to your will. Be my daily protector, so the enemy will not defeat me. I ask this prayer and thank you in the name of the good beloved savior Jesus. Amen!

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