Prayer of fidelity

.uThe mercies of the Lord are the cause of our not being consumed, for his mercies have no end; They are renewed every morning; Great is your faithfulness! Lamentations 3:23

Your loyalty is in the promises that are kept, so in this prayer of fidelity I place myself at your disposal to always serve you. So I don't want to live outside of your love. My God and Father, help me not to cling to the things of this world, but to cling to your eternal faithfulness. This way I can always be ready to follow your will.


In this prayer of fidelity I draw near to the Lord who is the source of salvation and who sees all my faults, because he knows how much we need you. Don't let me follow my desires when they displease you. Come upon me with your channel of blessing so that my life can warm spiritually and align me with heaven.

My life cries out for your presence that changes lives and hearts in every situation on this earth. Help me not to look at what people say, but put me on firm feet, walking ready to serve you. In this prayer of fidelity I place my hopes in your promises. So I I will continue without looking at my faults, except to present them before you so that I may be a purified person.


Look at me at this moment and make me a servant totally firm in your call. That way, in this prayer of fidelity, I can trust you and increase my faith. Certainly Your mercies are new every morning, that's why I can't stop following you. Do not allow the circumstances of life to shape my life, because I do not want to act according to the circumstances, but according to the character that has been given to me.


Holy Father who is in heaven, when I cling to your will, I feel more freedom to move forward, because the Lord frees us from the power of darkness into his wonderful light. I will always seek you with this prayer of fidelity because you love me. O The Lord is what is most precious to all created beings. Unfortunately, life's situations weigh heavily and test my faith, but the Lord welcomes and loves us. But I do mine prayers of promises because I have trusted in the Lord.

The Lord knows each one of my family members, he knows each one's situation, everyone, regardless of the situation, needs you. Therefore, in this prayer of fidelity, I ask that you touch their hearts so that they can place their lives in your hands. So whoever is firm in faith may remain so, but those who are rejecting your grace, your immense mercy, may they soften their hearts.

So may heaven be my dreams, may your change in my life be my constant desire, so I will have complete victory for the love of Jesus who loved me and saved me. I thank you, my God, because one day I didn't know you, but now I know who you are and how you act. Therefore I will meditate on your word every day and comfort you with your presence. With your ears, hear this prayer of fidelity of mine and answer it in the name of your beloved Son Jesus. Amen!

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