Prayer of advice

For I have never stopped declaring to you the whole counsel of God. Acts 20:27

God, I want to always be getting closer to you with this prayer of advice. Without a doubt, all instruction and advice that leads us to true life and piety comes from the Lord. Your kindness attracts me like a magnet, because although my nature is evil, your Spirit has touched me. In this way, wherever the Lord touches, new hope arises.


Eternal life is only possible through Jesus Christ. Blessed God who one day came down to earth and died to save my life. So there's no way to stop being a person grateful for your love and great kindness. Forgive my sins and save me for your kingdom, continue to guide me on the path of eternal life.

All your faithful who come to the Lord and seek you with this prayer of advice will be happy to feel your presence in their lives. Yes, certainly the God who guided the Israelites to the promised land is the same God of today. The apostle Paul never stopped announcing your advice to your servants, so I also accept it.


So come and advise me when things are going bad at my work. Also advise me, my God, when I am about to make a very important decision in my life, both now and in the future. Be my instructor, may I hear your voice leading me to a better decision success.


Forgive me if I ever came to blame you for a wrong decision. There will certainly be the injured human part that will be speaking. Because the Lord one day transformed my heart, but your work continues until the New Earth. So I know you are listening to this prayer of advice.

O God, help me to feel your daily presence so that all darkness is removed from around me. Like this your angels of light will presently be by my side and my family protecting everyone in all circumstances.

Certainly, all those who serve you, seeking you with prayer for advice, will have good instruction coming from your lips whispering in their ears. How can man move forward without the Lord guiding his life? This would never be possible without the Lord at our side. Those who love you love life, but those who reject you follow the path of death.

I know that life often seems so beautiful, but it is delicate, where despair can hit at any moment. That's why I put my life on your advice, because I don't want the fleeting things of the earth. Then bring daily light to my home and illuminate everyone with your presence.

Help all friends and my family to accept your advice by seeking you through prayer that can change everything in their lives. That's why I know that Christ is there by your side interceding for me and for all humanity. I finish this prayer by dedicating as I eat my entire house in your hands. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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