Prayer of comfort

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have afflictions; however, take heart! I have overcome the world.”John 16:33

Holy God, I know that Christ often made a prayer of comfort to the Lord. Because he knew the challenges he would face in life, as he would be mocked, mocked and flogged. So he clung to continuous prayer to have the strength to face the great battle that was to come.


However, in the midst of problems, he had peace of mind because he knew he was doing the greatest work of all. However, he went through various afflictions, it was not always easy, he was pressured according to the perfection of his character. But thanks to you he rose, looked at all those who would accept his grace, then embraced his purpose until death. That's why I thank you for every moment you looked at me.

So I say this prayer of comfort and gratitude for the cross of Christ and for the great love he has for me. Give me your peace, it is not like the world gives. That's why, Even in the world of affliction, I can have tranquility for my soul. This way, amidst the storms of life I will have comfort in my heart. Yes, I will know in whom I have believed because I am sure that He is able to give me my treasure on that day.


Before you I place my supplications, my complaints, my difficulties and my greatest needs. That way I will be able to have a more intimate relationship with you, with my soul transformed. So come to me and flood me with your wonderful blessings and make your face shine before your presence.


My God, how good I feel seeking you with this prayer of comfort. Therefore, I give my life to the Lord because I know that is the only one capable of performing an eternal miracle within my soul. Thus my whole being surrenders before you with joy and perfect devotion. This way I will look at my journey and see the Lord carrying me in his lap, I will have discernment of situations.

In reality, my God, your Grace satisfies me because it attracted me to you. Even in moments where I don't hear your voice, I know that your silence is a favor given so that I can grow in a way. So help me to reach further than I can imagine, that way the afflictions will be nothing compared to what you want to give me.

So what's left for me is to look for you because by doing this I have everything for my life. Surely the Lord is my portion, I will drink of Christ so that my life may flow into eternity. I will be a channel of blessing to everyone around me even when I am in situations that shake me.

So in this prayer of comfort I draw strength for my soul, so my faith grows firmly, without giving up on you for a moment. That's why help me feel safe even when everything is going wrong and things seem to conspire against me. There I will see Christ, although in the midst of pain he preferred to fulfill his eternal purpose until the end. That's why I'm alive right now, praying to the Lord in the name of your beloved son Jesus. Amen!

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