Communion Prayer

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard so that you too may have communion with us. Our communion is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:3

Communion is always beautiful with you, my God, with this communion prayer because everyone who wakes up dedicating the day to the Lord will have great blessings. So the first thing I do is put myself in your hands that welcome the wounded and tired, so they can always be with the Lord. Forgive my sins and help me to always be close to you through daily communion.


Every time I look for you in the early morning or in quiet moments I hear your voice better. So I begin to seek you in the prayer of communion, so Jesus becomes the center of my meditation, he enters my life and makes his home. That's why seeking you daily is my greatest need because the source of spiritual energy comes from you alone.

Certainly All those who go to the Lord, both in the storms of life and in calm situations, will have a greater connection with heaven. Faced with this situation, my God and Father, the home becomes purer, holiness shines and darkness moves away. So help me to have greater communion so that my life can reflect the heavenly shine.


Here is my heart, make your home in it, purify my life, help me to always see beyond what I see and see the path that has until the end of my life.


This prayer of communion that I am praying now is to sanctify myself in your truth. Help me to see your presence at all times so that I can always walk without looking at the difficulties in life. The apostles proclaim what they saw and I want to proclaim what I have learned from you. Just as they had communion with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ, I want to have it. In this way, you can keep me in holiness through your saving grace and your Holy Spirit operating in my life, giving me courage.

All those who come before you with prayer of communion will be able to have much higher experiences. In this way the Lord will show your will through the sacred writings in their minds, strengthening faith and vivifying the path of all on the avenue of justice for the love of your name.

Just as the apostles had intimate communion with you, I also want to maintain it. Although they were flawed and weak men like anyone else on earth, they set out to live by active faith. That's why the Lord performed great miracles in their lives and also through them in front of people.

Then give me that same Spirit that the Lord gave them, sanctifying me to the honor and glory of your name. In this prayer of communion I dedicate my home to the Lord, go to each of my family members' rooms and talk to them when they are sleeping. This way they will be able to reflect on you and feel the touch of the Holy Spirit in your heart saying: son this is the path walk it.

I know that right now the Lord is listening to me praying to you, telling your angels to protect me and encourage me to follow the path that all the saints have taken. Therefore, it is a great honor to be with you at this moment in communion prayer. So there was this prayer and answer according to your will in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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