Prayer of concerns

Look at my affliction and my pain, and forgive all my sins. Psalms 25:18 He delivers the afflicted from their affliction, and in oppression reveals himself to their ears. Job 36:15

In this prayer of concerns I thank you for talking to you. The Lord certainly knows what goes on deep in the human heart. So I begin to pray intensely to the Lord because from you comes the power to win in battles.


How many times does my soul find itself afflicted by the sorrows of life and it becomes restless. I confess that it is not always easy to believe that there is a solution to a given problem. But When I look at your word for your promises I trust in you, clinging to the cross. That's why I seek complete surrender to the Lord who sees everything, loves me and has compassion on me.

So I seek you in this prayer of concerns so that you can take away my affliction and pain. You know all the things that plague me and how they imply a lot in my life. But I see your power coming upon me and supporting me in the face of difficulties.


The Lord knows what is going on in the human heart to forgive or judge. Human beings cannot see what is in front of them. Surely the Lord will pay off each one who sets themselves on the path of darkness. Don't allow me to degrade myself when the enemy uses people to afflict me. So I sanctify myself in the truth because your word is truth, John 17:17.


As I am sure that the Lord goes towards the afflicted and frees them from affliction, I seek you with this prayer for concerns. While the world collapses following its own concepts, I decided to follow your truth. Even if I walk against the world I know I'm going to eternal life.

Before you I prostrate myself, I address your presence, help me, when I am with you I lower my head to feel your hands on my shoulders. All this because I'm sure that the Lord hears me and acts in his time.

Your sacred word says that the Lord delivers the righteous from affliction and in oppression reveals himself to their ears. Job certainly knew this, which is why he remained firm in his faith. Even if Job made a mistake at some point, he didn't lose faith in you

Although the Lord showed him that he was ignorant of the Lord in many things the Lord fulfilled his word in him. Even in the face of his ignorance, Job had faith and did not abandon you. So I ask you to also hear this prayer of mine, give me strength to resist evil.

Great and powerful God, the Saint who gives strength in affliction, the great Father who embraces his son in difficulty, answer my prayer. Guide me in life so that I can make the best decisions and take the eternal life through my beloved Jesus.

This is my prayer of the night and at all times in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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