Prayer for debts

and forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors;Matthew 6:12

My eternal God, in this debt prayer I place myself in your hands, because you know all things and know the difficulties we go through. I know that I make mistakes many times, but I know that the Lord is always willing to help your people. Beloved Father, forgive my sins and revive me spiritually.


Come and live with me and help me get away from debts and everything that could harm my life. So, my God, I stuck to your biblical advice. For sure The Lord knows the situation I have been through and the struggles I have faced.

Then help me to walk correctly in everything I do and think. Strengthen my faith so that I can achieve my goals, give me boldness to seek what I desire. But May everything be according to your will.


I am seeking you with this debt prayer because I believe that the Lord will help me solve all my problems. Help me not get stuck in financial debt. Likewise, do not allow me to be indebted to my family, to preaching the gospel and even raising children. That way I will be a good steward of the talents the Lord has given me.


Don't let me fall into the temptation of living life just for the expense. So I will not have a spirit of discouragement or laziness in your work. So I will maintain loyalty to the Lord. Then help me achieve all my goals to exalt your name. May the Lord enlarge my borders and give me prosperity as the Lord sees fit.

In this debt prayer I do not want to place myself on the enemy's enchanted ground. This is because the enemy is the one who ties us up with debts. Then he causes our faith to diminish. But I'm not discouraged from looking for you. The Lord is certainly at work in every area of my life.

In your hands I surrender my entire being, so take care of every part of my life helping me manage it properly. Thus, my beloved Father, I will be a firm testimony to the world. This way I can testify that The Lord acts in all areas of my life.

My God, I know that the Lord is listening to this debt prayer, because the Lord wants us to manage our lives correctly. Although the Lord has the ideal, reality often makes us make mistakes. Then May the Lord help me to walk uprightly and help me to always remain an honest person.

Holy God, although I am a sinful person, I seek strength in you. Then give me strength to do what needs to be done. Forgive me for any negligence I may have committed without realizing it.

This way too help me solve what I'm having difficulty with at the moment. Although no one can judge me because I seek the Lord and give my life to you, I want to give a good testimony of faith. That's how I want it too patience in fights.

Help me not to get attached to money and be financially healthy, help me pay off debts. Above all, I don't want to be in your debt, so keep me faithful to your word and strengthen me in faith. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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