Oração da voz de Deus

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, a voice behind you will tell you: “This is the way; follow him". Isaiah 30:21

Thanks I give you my Father for this prayer from the voice of God. Because when the Lord speaks in our ears, our way of living life changes. When the Lord speaks to our hearts, great things happen. I thank you for this privilege, for your forgiveness and for your Holy Spirit that leads us to life eternal.


I will not listen to the voice of men instead of your voice because the Lord has all justice and truth. Unfortunately, man's advice is often flawed. So help me distinguish between your voice and the voice of the enemy. The enemy sneakily speaks to our hearts trying to deceive us, but the Lord guides us with eternal wisdom.

If I happen to stray to the right or to the left, I want the voice of God to hear you with this prayer. Then I will look for you in moments of stillness because then I will only hear your voice around. This way I will continue singing because I am walking beside you. Walking steadily like the apostles walked with Christ here on earth.


Jesus once told his disciples that there are two paths, the narrow and the wide. So help me to walk the narrow path even though it is difficult, so I will enter through the gate of the Holy City. Although it may seem impossible to man, everything is possible with the Lord. I trust in your grace, so help me not to give up at any time.


I want to continue seeking you with this prayer from the voice of God. Because the Lord instructed the patriarchs and prophets in the past and they were great men of faith. Every man and woman of faith was guided by his voice. Your instructions got me through some difficult situations, but with your power to sustain them in all difficulties.

Be my voice in my emotional decisions, as well as in my professional decisions. This way I make correct decisions, stop doing what is unnecessary and pursue what really matters. I I never tire of looking for you because there is no power greater than yours in the entire universe.

Only the Lord is powerful to give us the victory that the world cannot give. So I will seek you with this prayer from the voice of God every day of my life. Like this I will always be tied to Jesus Christ, my beloved Savior.

I need the Lord continually, so I have comfort in moments of distress and emotional conflicts by my side. This way the enemy will never beat me to the point that I prostrate myself before him. The Lord is my daily portion, my comfort and my peace.

The only being that makes me kneel is the Lord, seeking you with this prayer from the voice of God. My comfort and security are in you, where I place all my trust. Like this I will always renew my strength and be ready for a new challenge.

Surely the Lord is an almighty God who counts every hair on our head. The Lord knows all the emotional conflicts I have, of every internal struggle. I place everything upon your instruction in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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