Prayer of virtue and freedom

He freed us from the empire of darkness and transported us to the kingdom of the Son of his love,Colossians 1:13

Great God, I'm here with this prayer of virtue and freedom because in Christ are my life insurance titles. Only in Him do I have peace and vigor of spirit because my title to heaven is in Christ. My heavenly peace only comes from accepting my savior. Then I will cling to your truth every day.


Do not allow the things of this life to consume the soul, but rather, may the omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit help us in sad moments. I recognize that eternal glory permeates the entire universe because your power is unlimited. Heaven was made for everyone, but not everyone will want to be there, so help me live a life of virtue that hides in Christ.

Hear my prayer of virtue and freedom because I cling to your word, your truth transforms my life daily. Thy kingdom come, give me strength to move forward on this life's journey forever. Before you I place my entire being to be completely transformed, I want to be transformed by your kindness.


God, I know that I have been delivered from the power of darkness into your wonderful light. There the Lord gave me the virtue that strengthens faith in you and piety towards my neighbor. Certainly, everything good I have comes from you and without you I am a lost person. Come and baptize me daily so that I may grow spiritually.


My soul rejoices in this prayer of virtue and freedom because your Spirit leads me into the arms of Jesus, where I have forgiveness and protection. Then come upon me rest the Holy Spirit and help me prepare to your eternal kingdom of eternal happiness.

I will follow you steadfastly, holding your truth and drinking from your fountain of eternal life. I clung to your grace where I have freedom all the time. Then help me to walk uprightly because in the Lord the cause is won.

My Father of light and love, guide my life to the place you separated for me. Come instruct me for eternity and come give me your daily strength for the difficulties. In this prayer of virtue and freedom I place my faith, my hope in your promises.

May my faith grow at all times and may my life be a light for those who are by my side. Then your wonderful grace hit me like an arrow, but bringing life and hope. So I thank you for freeing me from the empire of darkness and giving me firmness in my steps.

I will be with you forever, but I do not hold on to my own righteousness, but to Christ. My resurrected savior died for me, intercede for me and give me power daily to follow you. So I will continue to seek you with this prayer of virtue and freedom.

Answer this prayer of mine, my eternal Father, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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