Prayer of the future life

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, (…) and raised us up together with him, and made us sit in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus; to show, in the centuries to come, the supreme riches of his grace, in kindness towards us, in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:4,6-7

I look for you, my God, with this prayer of the future life because I trust entirely in your promises. Although many things seem to take time, everything has its own time. May my anxiety be about finding the Lord and one day seeing my savior. So help me, it's clinging to the Lord.


I thank you greatly for your life and health, for the great love you have for me. Thanks I give you all your kindness, for every miracle you did in my life until now. Praise the Lord for your immense patience and mercy towards human beings.

I approach you with this prayer of the future life because it is the greatest promise of all. That is why your word says that there will never be death, pain or suffering again. Surely one day all the bad things will pass and everyone who has come to the Lord will be able to enjoy eternal life.


What promise could be better than that? Knowing that your grace manifests itself to men every day to change their lives? So don't allow me to stray from your path that leads to the future life. Like this Don't allow the shadows of life to envelop me to the point of exchanging the eternal sky for the temporary one.


O God, hear this prayer of the future life that I am making to you. The Lord knows that life is not easy, that's why Christ came as a man even though he was also 100% God. That's why he died on the Cross, paying the price of sin, which is death. So I praise you because my savior's scar was because he loved me until the end.

Although I cannot repay this wonderful grace, I want to give my life in gratitude for what you have done and will do for me. Here is an undeserving acknowledgment of the smallness and weakness of my heart. But on the other hand recognizing your infinite greatness is your wonderful grace.

What more do human beings need, since heaven gave everything wonderful it had for salvation? Certainly, when I seek you with this prayer for the future life, I feel your grace working miracles in me at this moment. Then everything has a meaning and a purpose, it involves the salvation of human beings and the change of their character.

I know that right now the Lord is preparing me for heaven and that in life I will not understand everything. But I will understand enough to move forward even if I don't understand all the steps. Even if afflictions come with force, I will cling to the Lord. But for your own sake give me the strength and power to do this because I cannot do it on my own.

Oh God, every time I look inside myself I see that it's a struggle so strong that it seems like I won't be able to bear it. But when I look there is Jesus by my side so I have all the power I need. So my soul as much as it is distressed I will be praying even more.

I know You are hearing this prayer of the hereafter, so help me to be connected to the supreme riches of Your grace. Help me to always see this goodness toward us in Christ Jesus. For in his name I ask. Amen!

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